新视野读写三级 Unit 3 Book 3 Phrases Sentence Patterns).ppt

新视野读写三级 Unit 3 Book 3 Phrases Sentence Patterns).ppt

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The Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows. ;Sth. operate/run on the principle that …/ Sb. do sth. on the principle that … 某事运行/某人做事遵循的原则(宗旨)是······ ;Back;“我们并不把自己看作一所专为某一类孩子而开设的学校,”······ “我们把帮助孩子培养一种生活方式看作自己的职责,办法是倡导一整套能影响所有孩子的价值观念。” ;Sb. don’t see sth. as … Sb. see sth. as . 某人并不把······看作······,而把······看作······;not see adversity as a misfortune / see sth. as a way to do sth. else / harden one’s will;他说“无论怎样改革”,用马和马车“是改革不出汽车的”。 ;No amount of change/reform/… with sth. will do sth. else. 无论怎样改革/ ······ ,用······是产不出······的。 ;a man of petty trick / a man of great wisdom ;在海德中学的综合教育中,父母的参与是一个关键的组成部分。 ;Sth. be a key ingredient in sth. else. 某物是另一物的关键组成部分。;in terms of what sb. say / a society of harmony;为了使孩子被该校录取,家长也必须同意接受并实践学校的思想和观点。 ; For sb. / sth. else to do sth., sb. must do sth. else. 为了他人/事能······,某人必须做······。;come in handy / enable one to go far;乔和马尔科姆?高尔德都说,当孩子们见到自己的父母都在全力以赴时,他们也会竭尽全力。 ;Sb. tend to do sth. when/once…. 当······时,某人会······。 ;a man with a will of iron / set a goal for one’s life / without hesitation / push forward ;因某事而备受关注: ;使做好准备: ;对······的追求: ;全力以赴: ;对某事负责: ;连同,包括,带有: ;以签约方式同意做某事: ;某人值得做某事: ;一开始: ;有几分: ;句型应用 ;Summary;the opening ceremony / the 29th Olympic Games ;prepare for the worst / during one’s hunt for sth.;go wrong with sth. / the quality of the structure ;the defeat in the contest / great mental pressure / make sb. ill;the charm about sth. / modern sports / exert oneself to the utmost;Summary


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