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经典翻译赏析(一)——单句篇5;2. My sweet, clever, attractive, economical, sensible little girl, free at last.;赏析:从事翻译实践或翻译研究的人,大多爱谈“传神”,但如何才能传神,归根到底恐怕还要求助于对原文的深切感知与表达时的字斟句酌,前面谈的很多结构调整,也可以作出一定的贡献。请看上面的英文原句,马虎或没经验的翻译者极有可能用一句“我还能穿什么呢”就译完了事,而这样的翻译也不能不说是“信”且“达”,只是离“传神”好像还差一点。杨宪益先生创造性地使用了拆译的技巧,用逗号将译句隔开,以显示说话中间的停顿,并根据汉语少用代词的特点,将“I”略去不译,得到的译文口语化气息极浓,效果极佳。 ;4. On October first, I shall have Czechoslovakia where l want her. ;5. Mrs. Slade and Mrs. Ansley had lived opposite each other-actually as well as figuratively ——for years. ;6. “Thats what they are meant to be!”he replied in a trade voice. (Thor Hardy: Tess of the d’Urbervilles);7. What the devil use would they be to Pickering. ;8. Not a soul passed that way for a long while, and the faint notes of the band were the only human sounds audible within the rim of blue hills. (Thomas Hardy: Tess of the dUrbervilles);9.While no man is much to be envied for his lot, there are countless numbers whose fate is to be deplored. ;10. E.P. came to his own. In less than no time he was in everything and knew everybody. ;11. Id scorn to take notice of the looks of such as they.;12. The land did not move, but moved. The sea was not still, yet was still. (R. Bradbury: The Vacatzon) ;13. It was a punishing job, with an awe-inspiring daily dosage of reading, embracing all the diplomatic telegrams and all the Bills, all the notes and reports prepared by the high officials under him. ;14. “My friend,” she said, “how much do you earn in a month?’’;15. Timidly patting me on the shoulder, he ushered me out into the cold wintry blue with twilight. ;16. She would have laid down her life for ee.(Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d’Urbervilles)


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