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1.Unit 1描述人物外貌、性格的词汇;形容词物主代词;复习:名词性物主代词;人称代词主格和宾格;颜色;身体部位的词汇;形容人和物的形容词;有关爱好的词汇;学科的词汇。 2.Unit 2形容词、副词的比较级(er)P19;复习特殊疑问词;形容人和物的形容词;动词;学习用具;方位介词;动物;植物;颜色;数字;学科的词汇。 3.Unit 3形容词、副词的最高级(est)P31;学习用具;身体部位;玩具;人名;形容词等。 4.Unit4 复习水果;数字;学科;体育运动;家庭成员的词汇。 5.世界之最中国之最P32/AB,P38/AB, P42/AB 6.记住固定搭配、好词好句和重点句型。 7.重点朗读段落 (必考内容要求能正确朗读和背诵默写) 本册5-8单元重点知识点: 1.1-100的数字。 2.Unit5有关学习用具、颜色、食物、饮料和服装的词汇。 3.Unit6有关烹饪的动词、菜名、蔬菜、水果和制作方法 4.Unit 7有关电视节目、形容词的词汇 5.固定搭配 6.重点句型 7.重点朗读段落 (必考内容要求能正确朗读和背诵默写) 本册应该掌握的相关知识:中国 本册应该掌握的相关地理知识:世界 写句子时要注意: 1.首字母大写。 2.词与词之间空一个字母的距离。 3.写标点。 4.英文中没有顿号。 5.英文中的句号是实心点(.)。 Best and most in the world. 1.The longest river is the Nile. 2.The biggest country is Russia. 3.The highest mountain is Mount Qomolangma. 4.The longest bridge is in Japan. 5.The tallest tower is CN Tower. 6.Antarctica has the coldest place. 7.The hottest place is in Africa. 8.The biggest animal is the blue whale. 9.The biggest square is the Tian’an Men Square. 10. Best and most in China. Which…is the ……in China? the highest mountain—Mount Everest the longest river—the Yangzi River the coldest place--Harbin the hottest place--Xinjiang the longest wall—the Great Wall the biggest square—Tian’an Men Square Best and most in China. 写句子时要注意: 1.首字母大写。 2.词与词之间空一个字母的距离。 3.写标点。 4.英文中没有顿号。 5.英文中的句号是实心点(.)。 My Mother Her name is Wang Shan. She is 40 years old. She is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She is slim. She wears glasses. She has freckles on her face. She is helpful. She loves me very much. 图2:(两个人用到比较级er ) They are Helen and Lily. Helen is hardworking. Helen is taller than Lily. Lily is thinner than Helen. Lily is slim. Helen and Lily are good friends. 图1:(三个人或在一定范围内用到最高级est ) They are Harry, Billy and Henry. Harry is taller than Billy. He likes reading a book. He is hardworking. Billy is the shortest of them. Henry is the tallest of them. He likes swimming. Harry, Billy and Henry are good friends. 图2:(两个人用到比较级er ) They are Helen and Lily. Helen is hardworking. H


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