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新史学和新汉学: 中国现代史学的两种形态及其起伏 王学典 (山东大学文史哲研究院,山东济南250100) [关键词] 新史学;新汉学;学术史;社会经济史;古史辨;梁启超;胡适 [摘 要] 中国现代史学是同时循着两条几乎完全不同的路线一步步产生出来的。从乾嘉汉学逐步演化而来的化经为史的过程,是其中的路线之一;生发于“西洋史学”、对中国学术传统而言意味着炉灶重起 的过程,则是其中的另一条路线。前者是所谓的“新汉学”,后者是所谓的“新史学”。“新史学”是指向历史本体的,“新汉学”则从一开始就是着眼于历史记录的。这两条路径起初各有轨辙,齐头并进,但由于“新汉学”凭借深厚,一段时间内压倒了“新史学”;而“新史学”因为符合社会历史潮流、国际学术潮流,又后来居上,再立潮头。“新史学”中经“唯物史观派史学”,如今已经开花结果为“中国社会经济史研究”;“新汉学”最富有象征性的学术遗产,事实上已经归并到当今的“古籍整理”和“史料学”学科中来了。“新汉学”所主要致力的“文本考据”工作,已变为现代学术构成中的一个部分,治学过程中的一个初始环节;在“文本考据”之外和之后,实际上还存在一个更大的学问世界。 [中图分类号]K092=6 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]0583-0214(2008)05-0005-21 The New History and the New Philology: The Two Patterns of Modern Chinese History and Their Fluctuations WANG Xue-dian (Institute of Literature, History and Philosophy, Shandong University, Jinan250100, Shandong, China) Keywords: the New History; the New Philology; academic history; social economic history; Debates on Ancient History;Liang Qichao; Hu Shi Abstract: The modern Chinese history emerged gradually in two almost quite different paths simultaneously. One is the course evolved from the textual research of the Qianlong and Jiaqing period step by step which transformed the classics into history; the other is the course originated from the Western history which signified a fresh start to the Chinese academic tradition. The former is the so-called “New Philology”, and the latter is the so-called “New History”. The “New History” directs towards the noumenon of history, and the “New Philology” focuses itself on the historical re-cords from the beginning. At first, each of these two paths had its own track and advanced side by side. Yet owing to the profound groundwork of the “New Philology”, it overwhelmed the “New History” for a time. Afterwards, because the “New History ”matched the social historical trend and the international academic trend, it surpassed the “New Philology ”and became the main tide once again. Passing through the “Materialist History”, the “New History ”has now born the fruit of the studies of C


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