【2017年整理】高中英语 Module 1 Basketball-Period 1教案 外研版选修7.doc

【2017年整理】高中英语 Module 1 Basketball-Period 1教案 外研版选修7.doc

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【2017年整理】高中英语 Module 1 Basketball-Period 1教案 外研版选修7

Module 1 Basketball 乐善中学:唐学勇 Part One Teaching Design Period 1 Reading – Basketball 教学设计说明 ·话题介绍 本模块主题是“篮球”,学习目的:帮助学生熟悉篮球运动的起源、发展和现状,了解优秀篮球运动员的风采,认识篮球运动的安全性,讨论篮球运动在国内外的普及度,体会不同国家的篮球文化,从而激发学生更加热爱篮球运动。 Period 1 Reading INTRODUCTION和READING AND VOCABULARY合并为第一课时“阅读课。“教师还可以参考“教学资源”The Analysis of the Difficult Sentences from Module 1Basketball中的材料,帮助学生解决字、词、句等方面的问题。 Period 2 Function 第二课时FUNCTION是“功能课”,expressing feelings and emotions学习表达感情及情感。教学重点是-ing,-ed表情感的用法。 Period 3 Grammar Grammar conversion and suffix,通过转换和词缀构词法掌握词义 Period 4 Writing writing然后模仿其语篇结构,尽量运用课文中学到的词语、结构和话题模式,回复信件。 Period 5 Listening and Everyday English 能识别所学词语及结构并听懂意义,能听懂并理解包含感情和情感的日常用语;能进行谈论篮球和其他运动的对话。 Period 6 Reading Practice “阅读课”注重技能阅读。根据上下文支持句将题目选出。 Period 7 Cultural Corner “文化阅读课”注重意义阅读,了解各种球类运动。 ▇Goals · To read about the basketball players: Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain; · To Learn to enjoy the titles ■Procedures Step 1: Warming up by learning Introduction Please think about the following questions: (1)Do you love team sports, such as football, basketball, volleyball? (2)Can you name some basketball players, at home or abroad? Do you know what positions they play? (3)What are the forwards doingattacking or defending? (4)What is the referee doing? For reference Michael Jordan guard, Wilt Chamberlain center, Yao Ming center attacking watching and controlling the game Fill in the blank with proper words. Let’s look at the picture on page 1 and what do the words mean? For reference courtthe playing area hoopthe circular metal band which is attached to the backboard and holds the basket basketthe rope through which the ball must pass in order to score points slam dunk—one of the shots with which a player can score What is the NBA? Class, what basketball games do you love watching? Why? For reference NBA games, CBA games, exciting, fast and furious, the attractive star players rich in good skills But do you know the history of the NBA? Let


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