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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 口语从5到7都有什么不一样?雅思口语评分标准 雅思口语考试中,拿到5分和拿到7分有什么不同?你做到了哪些? 哪些没做到?以下雅思口语评分标准,清供参考。 雅思口语考试中,拿到5分和拿到7分有什么不同?你做到了哪些? 哪些没做到?以下雅思口语评分标准,清供参考。 雅思口语考试高分标准:(五杆标尺,自行参考) 第一点,答案长短,停顿多少。 第二点,逻辑有无,是否正确。 第三点,词汇难易,是否替换。 第四点,语法难易,是否灵活。 第五点,发音正确,口音有无。 雅思口语评分标准: Speaking Band 5.0 The candidate tries to keep the speech flowing but their hesitation gets in the way. The responses are rather short, the candidate tries to use linking words but they seem forced. Only simple sentences are fluent, in the more complex ones the coherence is much worse. There are repetitions of the same words and the same sentence structures. The candidate’s pronunciation is not very good, which includes incorrect stress in words. 考生尽力不让对话中断,但是它们的停顿时有发生。答案较短,考 生尝试使用连接词,但是很生硬。只有简单句子能够流利,句子越复杂 ,连贯性越差,不断重复同样的词和句子结构。发音一般,单词和句子 重读有错误。 Speaking Band 5.5 The candidate gives short answers, is not willing to talk at length. Responses answer exactly what he’s being asked. He hesitates a little and sometimes uses linking words incorrectly. His vocabulary is simple but sufficient for him to talk on the subject and make himself clear. The grammar of simple sentences is mostly accurate, but there are several errors in more complex sentences, many of which are left incomplete. There are many mispronounced words. 考生的回答较短,也不愿意多说。只对问题作直接回答,没有扩展 。有些停顿,偶尔会把连接词用错。词汇简单,但是能够简单表达 自己 。简单句语法基本准确,但复杂句语法错误多,而且句子不完整。有很 多读错的词。 Speaking Band 6 The candidate is willing to talk at length, not always directly answering the question. The speech is mostly fluent with some hesitation and repetition. Usage of linking words (such as ‘however’, ‘on the one hand’, ‘then again’, etc) is there, but not always they are used appropriately or accurately. The vocabulary is large enough for the candidate to speak on the given topic and he is easy to understand, even if there are some grammatical


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