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2 0 0 9 12 40 12 HCCI * 侯圣智 谢 辉 陈 韬 胡顺堂 赵 华 ( , 300072) , HCCI , , 4 HCCI , , HCCI , , , IMEP 4VVASHCCI : HCCI : T K4112 : A Transient Operation Strategy of Gasoline HCCI Engine Hou Shengzhi Xie Hui Chen T o Hu Shunt ng Zh o Hu ( State K ey L abor atory of E ng ines , T ianj in Un iv er sity , T ianj in 300072, China) Abstract One pr ctic l nd dequ te ppro ch to chieve HCCI combustion in the g soline engine is tr pping hot burned g s vi fully v ri ble v lve ctu tion, but the control methods become complex w ith v rious djusted v lve p r meters. T hrough the experiment rese rch, tr nsient response of the HCCI engine to ch nge in the four control v ri bles of 4VVAS were investig ted respectively, nd the response time for the four ctu tors const nts w ere comp red. It w s found th t, in order to re lize f st tr nsient oper tion in HCCI mode, ppropri te coordin ted nd synchronous oper tion of the four ctu tors is required. The experiment l results show th t, during coupling regul tion of the four v ri bles, symmetric principle of v lve timing nd synchron l principle of v lve lift re proposed to simplify coupling str tegy nd improve IMEP tr nsition. The obt ined result forms the found tion of tr nsient control str tegy for the HCCI engine b sed on the 4VVAS. Key words HCCI combustion, Tr nsient oper tion, Symmetric principle, Synchron l principle , NO x , HCCI ( homogeneous ch rge compression , ignition, HCCI) ( controlled uto , ignition, CAI) , , HCCI ( EGR) , , HCCI ,


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