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2003 22 6 ) 39 ) # # 1 2 曹佳红, 陈为庄 ( 11 , 610063; 21 , 610081) : 以活性污泥法为基础的二级生化处理工艺是城市污水处理的基本方法, 其出水的化 需氧量值 ( COD ) 不仅大于悬浮 Cr 物 (SS) 值, 而且两者之间还存在着一致性的相关关系本文对这种关系作了相应探讨同时对悬浮物的测定方法进行了探 讨, 提出了悬浮物的表示由可沉固体+ 透明度的概念 : ; ; :X701 :A : 1001-3644(2003) 06-0039-02 Correlation of COD and SS at Outlet in Urban Sewage Treatment Plant and Study on SS Measurement 1 2 CAO Jia-hong , CH N We-i zhuang ( 11 Chengd u M unicip al Dr ainag e M on itor ing Centre , Cheng d u 610063, Ch ina; 21Southw est Ch ina M un ic ip al E ng ineering Desig n R esearch I nst it ute, Chengd u 610081, China) Abstract: The activated sludge process is the basic method for secondary biochemical sewage treatment plant. Among the treated sew age quality indices, chemicaloxygen demand( COD ) should be not only bigger than suspendedsolids ( SS) but also there is correla- Cr tion between them. This article discusses this relation as well as the measuring method of SS. It is put forward that the SS might be made up of two parts, namely solid of granules and turbidity of colloids. Key words: Chemical oxygen demand ( COD) ; suspended solids (SS) ; correlation COD \COD 1 前 言 Cr Cr + + [2] COD + ( Cr


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