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九 十 六 學 年 度 臺 灣 大 學 政 治 學 系 博 士 班 入 學 考 試
考試日期:96 年 5 月 25 日
1. 答案卷上的號碼即為您的准考證號碼,如有錯誤,請在十分鐘內向監考人員
2. 請勿書寫姓名。
3. 試卷請隨答案紙一併交回,否則倒扣十分。
1. What are Taiwan’s strengths and weaknesses in coping with
“globalization”? How can we minimize the impacts of such
weaknesses? (25 %)
2. Based on your knowledge of “governance” in political
science, please identify at least two of the most crucial issues
of governance in Taiwan, and describe what Taiwan has
achieved as well as what remains to be attained on such issues.
(25 %)
3. All nationalist cultures depend heavily on the concept of
national identity, and nationalist politics is a politics of identity:
Egypt for the Egyptians, Africa for the Africans, India for the
Indians, and so on. What Basil Davidson calls nationalism’s
“ambiguous fertility” creates not only the assertion of a once
incomplete and suppressed but finally restored identity through
national systems of education, but also the inculcation of new
authority. This is equally true in the United States, where the
tonic force of African-American doctrine, as if the wish to
criticize the myth of White America also meant the need to
supplant that myth with dogmatic new ones. (p. 267)
…[U]nless national consciousness at its moment of success was
somehow changed into a social consciousness, the future would
hold not liberation but an extension of imperialism. (p.267)
Edward W. Said
Culture and Imperialism
New York: Vintage
‧Please translate the text into Chinese. (20 %)
‧Please briefly discuss how you respond to such a statement.
(30 %)
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