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2013江苏职称英语 卫生 类 考 试 真 题 试 卷【四】 说明:本试卷共七大题,申报高级职称者全做,满分为120分;申报中级职称者做第一、二、三、四、五、七大题,满分为100分。第六大题申报中级职称者不做,做了也不判分【注:高级单独列出】 一、词汇与语法选择(20小题,每小题0.5分。共10分,建议完成时间10分钟) 61. His ill-health may well be ______malnutrition. 他的健康不佳可能是由于营养不良 A. due to 由于 B. next to挨着 C. thanks to幸亏 D. up to取决于 62. His body temperature has been ______ for 3 days, the highest point reaching 40.5C. 他的体温一直连续3天不正常,最高点达40.5C。 A. uncommon罕有的 B. disordered 混乱的 C. abnormal反常的 D. extraordinary特别的 63. These areas rely on _______ agriculture almost, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development. 这些地区依赖专门农业几乎没有矿产资源和小的工业发展。 A. respectively独自 , B. extraordinarily非常 C. incredibly .极为 D. exclusively唯一 64. Peoples expectations about the future may have more influence on their sense of well-being than their _______ state does. 人民对未来的预期比当前状态可能更容易影响他们的幸福感。 A. current当前 B. initial初期 C. modern现代 D. primitive原始 65. The findings paint a unique picture of the shopping habits of customers, plus their motivation and ________。结果画了顾客的购物习惯,独特的画面,再加上他们的动机和喜好 A. privileges B. possibilities .C. possessions D. Preferences 66. _______ either by cooling or by depriving the fire of oxygen, and most do both . 灭火器的几乎都是通过冷却或剥夺火灾氧??气工作。 . A. Working fire extinguishers B. Fire extinguishers that work C. Fire extinguishers work灭火器工作 D. The work of fire extinguishers 67. The introduction of mass-production methods enabled many people _____ and gave them an unprecedented amount of mobility. 批量生产的引入使得许多人去购买他们自己的汽车,并给他们一个前所未见的大量流动性。 A. to purchase their own automobiles 去购买自己的汽车 B. their own to purchase automobiles C. to their own purchase automobiles D. own their automobiles to purchase 68. France Perkins, _______ of the United States cabinet, served in the cabinet as secretary of labor from 1933 to 1945。法国帕金斯,美国内阁第一位女议员,从1933年到 1945年在内阁担任劳工部长。 A. the first female member 第一位女议员 B. was the first fema


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