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短文写作 (一) 假设你叫李明,下面是你的外国笔友Kristic 给你写的电子邮件,询问你有关小悦悦事件的情况。 Dear Li Ming I learned from a new flash that a two-year-old baby girl was ignored by more than a dozen passers-by after being run over in a south China town. I’m very shocked. I used to think the Chinese were hardworking and kindhearted, and they really were when I was on a visit in China two years ago. So I doubt whether it was true news. Can you tell me what you learned about this incident? 请给她回一封邮件,要点如下: 社会陷入自责和反思; 某些路人的冷漠或另有原因,可最终还是有一名拾荒婆婆挺身而出; 单个事件不能代表中国,助人为乐一直是中国传统美德。 注意: 1. 不能照抄原件语句; 2. 可自由发挥添加细节; 3. 词数120左右; 4. 回信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 伦理道德------ ethical and moral (adj.); 美德------- vitue (n.) Dear Kristic, I was in very low spirits Believe me, Kristic, and believe in the Chinese people! Sincerely yours, Li Ming 话题作文(一)参考范文: Dear Kristic, I was in very low spirits when hearing this shocking news, and so was the whole nation. All people have been undertaking a thoughtful review of the ethical and moral challenges we are faced with. While we blame those hardhearted passers-by, there might be deep reasons behind the scenes. For various reasons there is a growing tendency for people to keep away from being involved in such accidents. However, on no account shall we tolerate this heartless behavior. Luckily in the story you mentioned, an old lady, who earned her life by collecting rubbish, came to the little girl’s aid and helped rush her to the hospital. So we have every reason to believe that the Chinese traditional virtues of being ready to help others will rema


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