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每日一篇网上阅读计划利大于弊 :每日 计划 利大于弊 网上 阅读 做事有计划利大于弊 做事为什么要有计划 辩论赛做事要有计划 篇一:练习1每日一篇阅读和完型 练习(一)Name______________ 完形填空 George Washington Carver was born in 1864. He was born a slave(奴隶). When he was still a baby, his mother was stolen. He was kept by his master. about plants that people in his hometown called him “the plant doctor”. George wanted to learn as much as he could, but there was no __3__ for black children where he lived. When he was ten, he left home to find a town that would allow __4__ children to attend school. He studied in Missouri and Kansas __5__ he finished high school. All this time he had to work to__6__ his own expense(费用). He worked as a cook and opened his own laundry. began to study agriculture(农业). After he graduated, the famous inventor Thomas Edison asked him to work in his lab but George . He had other He started an agricultural organization for black students in Alabama. In those days, many __10__ in the south grew only cotton. This was __11__ to the soil(土壤). After a while the __12__ would not grow as well. George Washington Carver wanted to help farmers in the south to grow plants like peanuts and sweet potatoes. These plants helped the __13__. Over the years he invented hundreds of ways to use these two plants. George Washington Carver invented so many things that he was __14__ “The Wizard(能手) of Tuskegee”()1. A. animalsB. plants C. buildingsD. photos ()2. A. muchB. many C. little D. few ()3. A. houseB. farm C. hospital D. school ()4. A. brownB. yellow C. black D. white ()5. A. whenB. until C. for D. since ()6. A. cost B. spend C. pay D. take ()7. A. love B. hate C. question D. surprise ()8. A. accepted B. refused C. understood D. cared ()9. A. situationsB. suggestions C. playsD. plans ()10. A. farmers B. scientists C. doctors D. inventors ()11. A. helpfulB. harmful C. carefulD. wonderful ()12. A. pumpkin B. peanut C. cottonD. potato ()13. A. soilB. water C. air D. weather ()14. A. seen B. loo


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