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2013年9月份考试大学英语(3)第三次作业填空题tive students ?????1????? (respond) to online learning are also due to time factors, particularly for students with part-time or full-time jobs.? ?Responses 2、The meeting began ?????1????? (punctuality) at nine o’clock.? Time 3、In the United States, all children between the ages of 5 and 18 must ?????1????? (attendance) school.? Attend 4、The reporter checked with a variety of sources to guard against ?????1?????reports. (accurate )? Measures 5、Only a few of us could ?????1????? his statement, because it was too profound. (comprehension) To understand 翻译题Many people fail in learning a language because they lose the belief in themselves as learners.? 许多人失败在学习一门语言是因为他们失去了信仰他们在学习上Just as we know, it is quite common for college students in Western countries to pay their way through college? 正如我们所知,这是很常见的大学生在西方国家支付他们读完大学既然你有电脑可用,为什么还用手去计算这样大的数目呢??Now that you have a computer available, why still use hands to count the number of such big? 周末我喜欢与父母一起呆在家里,而我的朋友们却热衷于去那些嘈杂的俱乐部。On weekends I like to stay at home with their parents, and my friends are keen to go to those loud clubs. 我们可以从事各种各样的业余爱好,比如听音乐、看电影、或者跟几个朋友聚一聚?We can be engaged in all kinds of hobbies, such as listening to music, watching movies, or with a few friends get together, ? 作文题For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Work and Leisure in no less than 100 words. You may begin your composition with “People generally believe that a life without leisure is really terrible.” Remember to write clearly.? 对于这部分,你被允许30分钟写一篇作文,主题上的工作和休闲不少于100个单词。你可以开始你的作文以“人们通常认为,人生没有休闲真是糟透了。“记得要写清楚。 人生如果没有休闲真是糟透了 在现代社会,工作压力越来越大,市场竞争越来越激烈,尤其是做销售一块的,品牌众多,产品的质量好坏,及客户的需求和心里想法,销售人员要从客户口袋中让客户掏钱消费,那是想尽办法,绞尽脑汁的发挥口才。真的很累。 如果长期在这样的压力下工作,人生就真的糟透了,还好休闲的时候能去唱唱歌、旅游、逛逛街等能舒缓心情,减少在工作的压力。 If there is no leisure life is really terrible In modern society, the working pressure is more and more big, the market competition more fierce, especially a sales, brand is numerous, the



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