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2017考研英语阅读每日精选:夜猫子收入更高   在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!一起来学习吧!  Research shows as night owls are linked to high income earners   研究:夜猫子收入更高   导读:老话说,早睡早起使人健康、富裕、聪慧。但研究人员揭示,夜猫子一般比早起的人更聪明,也更富有。   They are most likely to be healthy, wealthy and wise, according to the old adage.   老话说,早睡早起使人健康、富裕、聪慧。   But those who are early to bed and early to rise do not always have the upper hand, researchers say.   但研究者称,那些早睡早起的人并不是总能占上风。   They have revealed that night owls are generally brighter and wealthier than those able to get up early in the morning.   研究人员揭示,夜猫子一般比早起的人更聪明,也更富有。   Experts from the University of Madrid carried out tests on around 1,000 teenagers and found that those who preferred to stay up late demonstrated the kind of intelligence associated with prestigious jobs and higher incomes.   马德里大学的专家在约1000名青少年当中开展了测试,发现那些喜欢熬夜的青少年表现出与显赫工作和高收入相关的才智。   Larks or ‘morning people’, however, often secured better exam results, possibly because lessons are held at the wrong time of day for night owls.   然而,早起的人通常能取得更好的考试成绩,这可能是因为上课的时间不适合夜猫子。   The researchers examined the habits and body clocks of the youngsters to determine whether they liked to stay up late and sleep in later in the morning, or preferred to go to bed early and were at their peak in the morning.   研究人员观察了这些青少年的习惯和生物钟,以确定他们是喜欢晚睡晚起,还是喜欢早睡早起。   School performance and inductive intelligence, or problem solving, were measured and academic grades in the major subjects were also taken into account.   研究人员还衡量了他们的学校表现、归纳或解决问题的能力,主要学科的学习成绩也被考虑在内。   The results showed that evening types scored higher than morning types on inductive reasoning, which has been shown to be a good estimate of general intelligence and a strong indicator of academic performance.   研究结果显示,夜猫子的归纳推理能力得分要高于早起的人,而归纳推理能力已被证明是估测综合智力和学习成绩的一个重要标准。   They also had a greater capacity to think conceptually as well as analytically. Such abilities have been linked to innovative thinking, m


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