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2017考研英语阅读每日精选:极简主义者会发生的事   在考研英语中,阅读分数可谓是占到了总分的半壁江山,正所谓“得阅读者得考研”。对于备考考研的同学们,在平时的复习中一定要拓展阅读思路,各类话题都要关注,这样才能在整体上提升考研英语阅读水平!一起来学习吧!   This Is What Will Happen When You Become a Minimalist   I have a confession to make. I used to be an addict. Not to alcohol, drugs or any other substance; I was addicted to stuff.   我要忏悔。我过去是一个上瘾者。不是对酒精,毒品或者任何其它东西;我对物质上瘾。   However, after gradually adopting a more minimalist lifestyle, I’ve seen immense benefits in my life and the way I show up each day.   然而,在逐渐采用了一种更为简约的生活方式之后,我在生活中和每天自己展示的生活方式中看到了巨大的好处。   Despite what many people think, becoming minimalist doesn’t require you to sell all your stuff, abandon all technology and move to the mountains. Rather, the true essence of minimalism lies in having what you truly need and letting go of what you don’t. It’s about surrounding yourself with the people and things that serve you; nothing more and nothing less.   尽管有很多人认为,成为极简主义者并不需要你卖掉所有的东西,放弃所有的技术,搬到山上。相反,极简主义的真谛在于拥有你真正需要的,放弃你不需要的。它是关于让自己身边围绕着人和事为你服务;不多不少。   Many people may wonder why someone would want to start reducing their “stuff,” especially when there’s always the latest and greatest thing to be had, but the benefits of adopting a more minimalist lifestyle and simplifying our environment go far beyond simplify owning less.   很多人可能想知道为什么有人想要开始减少他们的的“东西”,尤其是当总是能拥有最新的和最好的东西的时候,但采用更加简约的生活方式和简化我们的环境带来的益处远远超出了减少拥有的那点儿东西。   Check out the list below of what will start to happen when you become more minimalist.   当你变得更加简约时,看看下面将要发生的事情的列表。   1. You will become more happy grateful.   你将变得更加快乐和感恩   With fewer distractions around you, the little things in life are given some room to be noticed. Whereas before you were fixated on your stuff, suddenly things like sunsets, birds singing or simply a blue sky become far more appreciated. You also become more grateful for the things you do still have after simplifying your environment, realizing that you have everything you need to be happy.   随着你身边少了许多分心的事,你会注意到生活中的许多小事情。鉴于你以前把注意力放在物质上,你现在突然会更加欣


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