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新乡市中级人民法院 涉法涉诉信访工作情况报告 2012-6-3 尊敬的杨聚章院长以及省院专家咨询委员会的其他各位领导: 大家好,热烈欢迎各位领导莅临新乡检查指导工作! 近几年来,新乡的涉诉信访量总体呈逐年平稳下降趋势。2011年度,河南省民意调查中心组织的民意调查中,新乡中院在人民群众对“工作人员接待上访群众情况”满意度指标上,排名全省第一,得到人民群众的认可。平安建设工作先进迄今为止,这项活动坚持了整整8年,据不完全统计,仅该院院长王伯勋就接访来访群众3500人次,大量信访事件得到有效化解 Safety Supervision Bureau of the partys mass line educational practice reform program to promote the implementation of the rectification, establish a new system to work, in accordance with the requirements of the county Party committee, County Safety Supervision Bureau leadership check out the four winds there are problems, make the following implementation of the rectification program. First, the guiding ideology and basic principles of (a) guide thought: the partys eighteen, the eighteen session of the second, the Third Plenary Session of the spirit as a guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinpings important speech series, in strict accordance with the look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements, focus on maintaining the partys advanced nature and purity, closely linked to the people and pragmatic clean the main And look in the mirror, dress up, wash bath, cure treatment, the general requirements of focus to solve the four winds issue, the priority among priorities rectification as firmly put the four winds, the system construction is the fundamental strategy of the comprehensive wipe out the root cause, in order to promote the implementation of the rectification and the establishment of the work to ensure that educational practice from start to finish, good to do good, credibility, benefit the masses, promote the sustained and healthy development of the work of production safety science (two). Basic principles: 1, a deep understanding of the basic principles of carrying out the partys mass line educational practice: one is the central adhere to positive education, two is to insist on criticism and self criticism Three, adhere to the pragm


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