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101 Things A Six Sigma Black Belt Should Know 一名6西格玛黑带应了解的101件事 By Thomas Pyzdek Reproduction permitted providing copyright notice remains in tact and no changes are made to the content Copyright ? 2003 by Thomas Pyzdek, all rights reserved 1. In general, a Six Sigma Black Belt should be quantitatively oriented. 通常,6西格玛黑带应定量导向。 2. With minimal guidance, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to use data to convert broad generalizations into actionable goals. 仅需最低限度的指导,6西格玛黑带就应能利用数据把泛泛的概括转化为可实施的目标。 3. The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to make the business case for attempting to accomplish these goals. 6西格玛黑带应能为完成这些目标提供业务案例。 4.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to develop detailed plans for achieving those goals. 6西格玛黑带应能为达到这些目标制定详细的计划。 5.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to measure progress towards the goals in terms meaningful to customers and leaders. 6西格玛黑带应能测量出朝着预期目标进展对顾客和公司领导的意义。 6.The Six Sigma Black Belt should know how to establish control systems for maintaining the gains achieved through Six Sigma. 6西格玛黑带应知道如何建立控制体系来保持通过6西格玛所取得的收获。 7.The Six Sigma Black Belt should understand and be able to communicate the rationale for continuous improvement, even after initial goals have been accomplished. 6西格玛黑带应了解并能够传达持续改进的基本原理,即使在初始目标已经达到后也应这样。 8.The Six Sigma Black Belt should be familiar with research that quantifies the benefits firms have obtained from Six Sigma. 6西格玛黑带应熟悉对通过6西格玛所获利益的量化研究。 9. The Six Sigma Black Belt should know or be able to find the PPM rates associated with different sigma levels (e.g., Six Sigma = 3.4 PPM) 6西格玛黑带应知道或能够找出与不同西格玛水平相关连的PPM比率(例如,6西格玛=3.4PPM)。 10.The Six Sigma Black Belt should know the approximate relative cost of poor quality associated with various sigma levels (e.g., three sigma firms report 25% COPQ). 6西格玛黑带应了解与不同西格玛水平大致对应的劣质成本(例如,3西格玛水平的公司劣质成本约占25%) 11. The Six Sigma Black Belt should know how


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