第2章2 商务词汇的翻译技巧.ppt

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第2章2 商务词汇的翻译技巧

词语翻译 第一节 词语的文化含义 一、英语文化中特有而汉语文化中空缺的词 For your convenience, we offer a range of conference packages, which we can, of course, extend to meet your requirements. 为方便客户,我们准备了各种会议专案,同时万确可以根据客户的具体要求添加内容。 Breaking the glass ceiling, the regulation makes it easier for women to move into senior management. 这项规定打破了晋级限制,使女性员工晋升高级管理职位不再困难重重。 It is a common practice in America for publishers to send a professor a desk copy if the professor chooses a book they have published as a coursebook in a university. 如果一位大学教授选中出版社的书作为教材,出版社就给这位教授赠送这本书以表示感谢,这是美国出版商的通行做法。 二、英汉文化都有而含义不同的词 It was Friday and soon they’d go out and get drunk. 星期五发薪日到了,他们很快就会出去和个酩酊大醉。 To reduce loss and increase overall profits, the CEO told his product managers to get rid of all the dogs. 为了减少亏损,全面增加利润,CEO通知产品部门经理处理掉所有的次品。 三、文化背景知识与词语翻译的准确性 Does “Buying American” save jobs? “购买国货法案”能提供就业机会吗? Pink-collar Gold-collar Gray-collar New-collar Open-collar Steel-collar White-collar Blue-collar 第二节 词义特点 一、专业性和规范性 The board tried its best to improve the balance sheet of the company. 董事会已经尽最大努力改善本公司的整体财务状况。 It has raise its JV equity to 70% to gain management control. It has trebled its initial investment and is now expanding its product range and manufacturing capacity to meet growing demands. 公司将其在合资公司的股份增加到70%,以获得管理控制权。这使它的先期投资增加了两倍,而且正在扩大产品范围和生产能力来满足不断增长的需求。 Due diligence should be done before finalizing any large investment or acquisition. 在确定大笔投资或并购前需要进行尽职审查。 The terms of the transaction have been negotiated on an arm’s length. 交易条款按照公平原则商定。 二、一词多义现象及翻译策略 1.根据词性确定词义 Communication net通讯网 Net profit 纯利润 The sale netted the company a fat profit. 这笔买卖使公司净赚一大笔 2.根据搭配和上下文确定词义 When the debt is cleared—as it must be by the time the customer retires—and the account goes into credit, it will attract interest at about 5%. 顾客退休时,必须结清欠款,随后账户可转为信用贷款,收取约5%的利息 The company is one of our major accounts, so we should do our best to satisfy their needs. 那家公司是我们的主要客户之一,因此我们得尽可能满足他们的需求 The chief financial officer was accused of falsi


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