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Asian ????????????adj.;n. 亚洲的;亚洲人36% of the Asian population of Britain lives in London.在英国的亚洲人中有36%居住在伦敦。 ask / ???? / vt.1.问,询问May I ask you a question?→反义词:answer vt. 回答 2.请求,要Why dont you ask the policeman for help?你为什么不找警察帮忙呢? ask for 要,索取You can contact the company to ask for an application form.你可以与公司联系,索取申请表。 asleep ?????????????adj. 睡着的 Is the baby still asleep?这个婴儿还在睡觉吗? aspect / ??????? / n. 方面I would like your help with some technical aspects.我希望在技术方面得到你的帮助。 aspirin / ???????? / n. 阿斯匹林You should take some aspirin. 你要吃些阿斯匹林。 assistant / ????????? / n. 助理,助手I am a kitchen assistant. 我是炊事助理。 association / ??????????????/ n. 协会 This guesthouse has been approved by the Bath Tourist Association.这家宾馆已通过巴斯旅游协会批准。 at / ???????/ prep. 1.(表示地点)在(某地)Well meet at the gate of the company.我们在公司门口见面。 2.(表示时间)在…(时刻)They usually meet at 7.00 p.m. after work.他们通常下班后晚7点见面。 3.(表示方向)朝向…That old man smiles at me.那位老人向我微笑。 at home 在家I often work at home in the evening.我晚上经常在家工作。 at last 最后;终于We arrived in Scotland at last!我们终于来到了苏格兰! at least 至少I think it will take two hours at least.我想这至少需要两个小时。 at the moment 目前 His wife isnt working at the moment. 他的妻子现在没上班。 athlete ?????????????n. 运动员British athletes won five gold medals in the Olympics.英国运动员在奥运会中获得了五块金牌。 atmosphere /?????????? / n. 气氛Ivydale is situated in its own gardens, offering the perfect atmosphere for business travellers and tourists.常春藤谷宾馆坐落在其私家花园内,为商务人士和观光者提供最佳住宿环境。 attack ???????????vt.;n. 攻击,进攻The enemy attacked the power plant.敌人攻击发电厂。 attend / ?????? / vt. 参加Three members of the ICT Department will attend the interviews.信息通信技术部门的3名员工将参加面试。 attendant ???????????????n. 服务员The attendant can speak a little English.服务员会说一点英语。 attitude / ????????? / n. 态度His attitudes towards lots of things changed.他对待很多事情的态度变了。 attraction ???????????????n. 吸引力The idea has little attraction to young people nowadays. 如今,这个想法对年青人没有多大吸引力。 attractive /???????????/ adj. 有吸引力的The bathroom is attract


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