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DOI : 10 . 16058 / . i ssn. 1005 -0930 . 1999 . 02 . 013 7 2 V ol. 7, N o . 2 1999 6           June 1999 JO U RN A L O F BASIC SCIEN CE AN D EN G IN EERIN G Effect of Tool Rake Angle on Machining Vibration W AN G Guich eng ( Coll ege of M achinery Engineering , Jiangs u U niversi t y of Science and T ech nology , Zh en iang 2 120 13) Abstract  Ef fect of t ool rak e angl e on cut ti ng vi brati on by experi men ts are don e at dif feren t cut ti ng speed i n machini ng operation, and corres ponding th eo reti cal analy si s i s cond uct ed. Res ult i ndi cat es , am- ; V 0° plit ude of machini ng vi brati on grad ual ly decreas es wi th t ool rake angl e increasi ng wh ile rake angl e 0 , the bi gges t unidi recti on ampli tude occurs at V = 50~ 70m /mi n; W hil eV≥ 0°, i t i s at V= 160~ 180m / 0 min. M oreover, quarding meas ures is p resent ed on avoiding th e biggest ampli t ude range so as t o guaran- tee quanlit y i n p recisi on machining at high s peed. Keywords: machining, vibration, amplitude, tool rake angle In machi ning o peratio n , t ool character is no t o nl y deci ded by ma teri al, to a certain ex tent , it depends o n reso nable geomet ri cal paramet ers. T ool rake ang le is one o f the


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