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27 1 Vol . 27 , No. 1 2003 2 LA SER T ECHN OLO GY Februar y, 200 3 : 100 1- 3806( 2003) 01- 0058- 04 张朝阳张永康 ( , , 2120 13) : 3 : , , YAG : ; ; YAG ; : T G15699 ; T N 249 : A The new processi ng method of the cylinder wall: laser honing Zhang Zhaoyang , Zhang Yong kang ( College of Mechan cal Eng neer ng , J angsu U n vers ty of Sc ence and T echnology, Zhenj ang , 2 120 13) Abstract: T he three phases of laser used n the process ng of the cyl nder w all , b g focus slow scan screw laser quench ng , small focu s qu ck scan net- l nes laser quench ng and laser hon ng , are ntroduced n th s art cle. T hrough comparat on , the advantage of laser hon ng s nd catated. And then the process ng method of laser hon ng s d scussed. T he appl cat on characters of YAG laser and ex c mer laser n laser hon ng are compared and analysed from the follow ng f actors, nclud ng the qual ty of laser beam , t he theory of process and the techn que of process . Key words: laser quench ng; laser hon ng; Y AG laser; ex c mer laser , , , - , , , 1 , , 1976 , : , ( ) [ 1] , 180HV ~ 250HV ( 20HR C~ 25H RC) ( ) 58HR C~ 62HRC, , , , [ 2] ; , , 70 , CO2 , 90 , YA G : , , Y AG , , , , ; 1997 , [ 3] , ,


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