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Demonstration Class Teaching Process (课前准备) 教学目标 能唱出歌谣Hello Good Morning!和歌曲B 能认出Teddy, Kitty, Nicky, Puppy,和Ruby,会用Good Morning!打招呼,听到自己的名字能有所反应。 当听到Stand up! Sit down! C和 Follow me!时能迅速的做出正确的动作。 能听懂故事Follow me! K并能在教师的组织下表演出来。 New words: 新单词 Teddy, Kitty, Nicky, Puppy,New sentence: 新句子 Stand up! Sit down!I’m here come here Good Morning! Oh,a wolf ! follow me Teddy goes to school 教具 教学光盘: 辅助教具:主人公手偶 ,教师及学生姓名卡片,单词卡, 出场及课前发言 老师唱hello,hello出场(unit 1 warm up) 进行DEMO课前发言(英文) ? Greeting Hello boys and girls, Let me see, what’s the time?it’s ------(板书)。It’s time for our class,let’s begin。 Hello everybody!Hello A(good morning,yes very good,give me five).Hello B, C.(注意方式,鼓励) ? Roll—call Now let’s move to the next part roll—call(板书) I will see if everybody is here?So let me call your names。If you hear your name,your should stand up and say “Yes, I’m here”(语气动作) let’s begin。Jenny! ( here),将名字写在上,加星星 Where is XX? Not here!(引导学生练习该句型,动作)。 (老师要注意夸奖学生,you are a good girl/boy,handsome /pretty/lovely,把名字写在上)bec you came here on time,so you can get one star and (加星星)。 ? Warm up Everybody look at me,this time let’s do our warm up,today we will a song “good morning”(放慢语速),first let’s enjoy the video(动画部分,老师要领唱不加动作) “stand up! Sit down ”(练习unit1 中的Daily English) Yes,very good, Now let’s sing the song together(清唱版,可以改编动作拍手,跺脚等),follow the video sing it once more time(真人版) Let’s me see, who wants to stand here to do this warm up for us. Who wanna try? (注意动作引导学生回答)。You did it very well/your performance is so wonderful.(夸奖学生,真实感)。You can get one star。Next who wanna try?() ? 500 words that’s all of warm up, now let’s review the 500 words(手势动作) Review:Apple-Every look at me! ( look at you !) 1 Linda is hungry, I want to eat something! (从兜兜里拿出一张纸,假装要吃,然后问孩子们)Can I eat?(引导孩子say “no”) 2 Do you have something to eat? (假装在孩子身上找食物,每个孩子都快速过一遍,最后很失望的说I am hungry) 3 老师假装突然闻到了什么,找到事先准备好的盒子,夸张的把它打开一个缝,假装发现了新大陆。(可以特别神秘的让孩子们看一下,但不要看到)。 Ok, every guess what is it? 然后在每个孩子面前摇


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