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出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 You probably know that its important to be professional if you want to have a successful career, but what does that actually mean? 你可能知道,如果你想要获得职业生涯的成功,表现得更职业是非常重要的。不过这到底是什么意思呢? After all, professionalism is rarely taught; youre supposed to pick it up on your own through a combination of observation and osmosis, but thats not always easy to do. And learning on the job can be fraught with land mines, since you might not even see your mistakes coming. 毕竟,很少会有人教你怎样才是职业,人们希望你从观察和潜移默化中学习。而这个学习的过程总是会让你在不经意间踩到地雷,因为你不知道你什么时候会犯错。 So without further adieu, here are 10 key elements of professionalism that you should master early in your career. 所以,就不多介绍了,以下是你在职业生涯初期必须掌握的10条职业的原则。 1. Pay attention to the cultural norms in your organization, and follow them. If you watch how others in your office operate, youll learn all sorts of important things about how we do things here. For instance, you might observe that everyone shows up precisely on time for meetings, that they modulate their voices when others are on the phone, and that people rely on email for non-urgent questions. These are important signals for what will be expected of your own behavior – and youll come across as tone-deaf if you ignore them. 1.注意观察你所在企业的文化规范,并遵从这种规范。只要你观察你周围的人是怎么做的,你就能学到有关“我们在这儿怎么做事”的一切。比如说,你可能会观察到每个人在开会的时候都会恰好准时到达,他们讲电话的时候会调整自己的音量,他们在处理非紧急事务时更依赖邮件。这些都是关于你该怎么做的重要暗示。——而你如果无视了这些事情,就会被看作是个不懂得察言观色的愣头青。 2. Be pleasant and polite to people, even if you dont like them. You will have to work with people whom you just dont care for, and even with people who arent very nice. Youll look far more professional if you dont let them get under your skin and instead remain cordial and easy to work with. 2.友善而有礼貌地待人,即使你不喜欢他们。你会需要和那些你根本不关心的人一起共事,甚至还要和那些脾气很差的人共事。如果你能不被这些人激怒,而是保持亲切温和,那么你一定会被认为相当职业。 3. Take work seriously. If you make a m