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【雅思作文高分经验】考官倾囊相授 如何完美回应问题 编者:当一只烤鸭从考试楼外的等候,到楼内的等候,再到考场教室的等候,再到听读的洗礼,再到小作文的折磨,终于,ta来到了这一天雅思考试的最后的一个关口-大作文,很多又马不停蹄地开始飙单词。可是殊不知,一部分人在下笔之初就已经开始了快速掉分的进程。对于如何审题,看看考官是怎么说的吧。小编翻译。 In your academic essay, a considerable number of points are available according to how well you answer the question in the title. Therefore, it’s very important to make sure you understand the title fully before you begin. Don’t just find a keyword in the title and start writing. Examine the question carefully first. 在你的雅思大作文写作中,按照你回答题目中所提的问题的优劣程度,有不少得分点你是有机会拿到手的。因此,确保动笔之前已充分理解题目非常重要。不要在题目中找到个关键词就死怼它。 首先仔细审题 You need to consider: 你需要考虑: 1. How many things are you being asked to do? 你被要求做多少事情? Some essay titles may have two parts, so make sure you address both questions. 有些题目的问题部分有两部分,所以你务必两个问题都要回答。 2. What are the question words in the title? 问题中的疑问词是什么? Make sure you understand what the question words mean. Here are a few of the commonest question words: 确保你搞清楚了疑问词的意思。下面是一些最为常见的疑问词。 Explain: If you explain something, you give reasons why it happens. 解释:如果要你解释某物,你需要给出它发生的原因。 Discuss: If a question asks you to discuss a statement, you should consider the topic from different, opposing viewpoints. Don’t just write about your own opinion; discuss two or more sides of the argument. Conclude by giving your own point of view, based on the ideas you raised in the essay. 讨论:如果是要求你讨论一种说法,你就需要从不同的相反的角度来考虑这个话题。不要只是谈论你自己的观点;你需要讨论这个说法的两个或者多个方面。在你摆出的各种观点的基础上,用你的观点来做结论。 To what extent…: ‘To what extent…’ means ‘how much…’ These questions often ask you whether or not you agree with a statement, and should be tackled in the same way as a Discuss question. “多大程度上”的意思是“有多少”。这种类型的题目常常要求你是否同意一个说法。你需要采取和上述“讨论型问题”一样的方式来处理(编者注:即正方观点都要有) Evaluate/Assess: If you evaluate or assess something, you decide how good it is. The best way to approach this is to examine the good points and then consider the negative aspects. In the conclusion, state


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