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Feb.25th 1.这间房间对于我们来说住的很舒服。 2.预定这个带有空调,冰箱和卫生间的标间花费了我200元。 3.没有其他的交通工具给我们选择了。 4.他们决定花一个小时找到坐飞机去桂林的费用。 5.我以340元的价钱卖了这台手机。 6.你打算在泰山呆几天? 7.对于我来说,买这台电脑太贵了。 8.要想出筹钱的方法对于我们来说太难了。 9.你能花三分钟算出这道题的答案吗? 10.我期待与你们一起讨论如何学习数学。 11.我一到山顶,就看见云海和日出。 12.对于弟弟来说,在户外踢足球是一次令人激动的经历。 Feb.27th 1.这间房间对于我们来说住的很舒服。 The room is so comfortable for us to live in. =It is so comfortable for us to live in this room. 2.预定这个带有空调,冰箱和卫生间的标间花费了我200元。 It cost me 200 yuan to book a standard room with air conditioning,refrigertor and bathroom. 3.没有其他的交通工具给我们选择了。 There is no other vehicle for us to choose. 4.他们决定花一个小时找到坐飞机去桂林的费用。 They decided to spend an hour in finding out the cost to go by air to Guilin. 5.我以340元的价钱卖了这台手机。 It cost me 340 yuan to buy this cellphone. I spent 340 yuan on this cellphone. I paid 340 yuan for this cellphone. 6.你打算在泰山呆几天? How long will you stay in Mount Tai? 7.对于我来说,买这台电脑太贵了。 It is too expensive for me to afford this computer. 8.要想出筹钱的方法对于我们来说太难了。 It is so difficult for us to come up with an idea to raise money. 9.你能花三分钟算出这道题的答案吗? Can you work out the answer to this question in three minutes? 10.我期待与你们一起讨论如何学习数学。 I am looking forword to discussing how to study math with you. 11.我一到山顶,就看见云海和日出。 As soon as I arrived at the top of the mountain,I saw the sea of clouds and the sunrise. 12.对于弟弟来说,在户外踢足球是一次令人激动的经历。 It is an exciting experience for brother to play football in the open air. March 10th 1.直到5点钟他才找到地方停放车. 2. 当警察来的时候, 他们跑向四面八方. 3. 他向着路边的停车场走去. 4. 他拿出一些钱, 给晚饭买了单. 5. 当他抬起头时, 注意到他们不见了. 6.听到这个消息我们很诧异. 7. 我不得不在人群中推开一条路. 8.小姑娘们一边走,一边唱。 9.我一看见他,就喊他。 10.当老师进课室时,我停止唱歌。 11.随着时间流逝,我们在成长。 12.肇庆火车站离时代广场多远? March 25th 1.他的尺子比我的长两倍. His ruler is twice longer than mine. HIs ruler is three times as long as mine. 2.我买这只篮球花费的钱是他的3倍. I spent three time as much as he on this basketball. I spent twice more than he on this basketball. 3.Tom比Jack跑快一倍. Tom runs twice faster than Jack. Tom runs three times as fast as Jack. 4.他哥哥比他年长一倍. His brother is once older than he. His brother is twice


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