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* 兼氧接触氧化与土地渗滤联合处理农村污水的研究 郭茂新 孙培德 ( , 310035) , COD 397~ 564 mg/ L , 24 h COD 75% ; , 3 2 0. 02 m / ( m d) , COD 60% , 99% Wastewater treatment by f acultative contact stabilization and soil infiltration Guo M aox in , Sun Peide. ( Dep ar tment of Env ir onmental Eng ineer ing , College of Food Science, Zhej iang Gong hang Univer ity , H angz hou Zhej iang 310035) Abstract: A sm ll f cult tive cont ct st biliz t ion nd soil infiltr t ion system w s employed for energy efficient nd cost effective t re tment of mix ed w stew ter from rur l community in Zheji ng. For feed with COD of 397~ 564 mg/ L , the first st ge cont ct st biliz tion tre tment employing n ir/ liquid r tio of 2. 6 ( DO 0. 5 mg/ L) chieved COD reduction of more th n 68% nd 75% t H RT of 12 nd 24 h, respectively. T he second st ge soil in filtr tion t re tmen removed ne rly ll NH N nd tot l phosphorus nd produced n effluent with COD of 60 nd 3 3 2 50 mg/ L w hen it w s oper ted t hy dr ulic lo ding of 0. 03 nd 0. 02 m / ( m d) , respectively, even t low tem per ture ( 5 ) in the winter . Keywords: Rur l w stew ter Energy efficient F cult tive cont ct st biliz tion Soil infilt r tion , , , , , , 25% , [ 1] [ 2] , , T IEHEN G , CODBOD5 SS 92. 6% 97. 6% 86. 8% 81. 72% , ,


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