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安徽农业科学 , Journal of Anhu i A gri. Sci. 2010 , 38 ( 9) : 4819 - 4822 责任编辑  马卫鹏  责任校对  卢瑶 农村土地抵押融资需求调查及影响因素分析———以重庆市开县 、忠县为例 刘 盈 , 申彩霞  (海南大学三亚学院经济管理分院 ,海南三亚 572000) 摘要 以重庆市开县、忠县 2 县为例 ,依据实地入户调查数据 ,探讨了农村土地抵押融资需求 ,采取二项分布的 Prob it模型分析了影响农 户农村土地抵押贷款的因素 。结果表明,农户对资金的需求量大 ,但满足程度不足 ,且无法融资的重要原因是无抵押物 ;农户对农村土 地抵押需求迫切 ;影响农户是否需要融资和是否需要土地抵押融资意愿的因素有耕地面积、经济活动类型、年龄、文化程度和区位条件 , 其中,耕地面积、经济活动类型的影响力最大 。 关键词 农村土地抵押 ;需求调查;影响因素; Probit模型 ( ) 中图分类号 F 301. 2  文献标识码 A  文章编号 0517 - 6611 2010 09 - 04819 - 04 Research on M ortgage of L and F inanc ing D em and in Rura l A rea and Ana ly sis of Influenc ing Factor s ( ) L IU Y ing et a l  Schoo l of Econom ic s and M anagem ent B ranch , H ailan Un iversity Sanya Co llege, Sanya, H ainan 572000 A b stract  Tak ing the Kai County and Zhong County of Chongqing a s an examp le, based on the field survey data of hou seholds, the mortgage financing need s of the rural land were exp lored, the influencing factors of hou seho ld s of rural land mortgage loan s were analyzed by b inom ial distribution of the Prob it Model. The re su lts showed that the farm ers’financial need s can ’t be fu lfilled and the m ain reason was lack of the collaterals, therefore they needed mortgage on land urgently. The factors influenced the farm ers whether need financing or not and whether they were w illing to mortgage on land or not were : acreage of cu ltivated land, econom ic activity typ e, age, educational level and geograph ical loca tion condition , and the cu ltivated land and the econom ic activity typ e were the mo st influencing factors among tho se factors. Key words  Rural land mortgage; D em and investigation; Influencing factors; Prob it


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