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IACUC參考資料 背景 Background 實驗中動物安樂死時機及準則由IACUC制訂,主要在規範尚未完成實驗之動物發生實驗所引起或非預期症狀,而必須將動物安樂死之狀況。 These criteria have been established by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, which recognizes that euthanasia is sometimes necessary prior to the scheduled end of a study, either because of unanticipated complications, or because of the protocol itself. 準則 Criteria 此準則適用於所有實驗中或未實驗之動物。除了IACUC已審查同意之情形(如:實驗引起之預期中症狀且能使動物痛苦程度減至最低),否則只要符合下列任一項情況即需將動物安樂死。 These criteria apply to all animals on experimental protocols, whether manipulated or not. Fulfillment of one criterion can constitute grounds for euthanasia. Exceptions are permitted only if approved by the Committee as part of the protocol review process (i.e. the clinical signs listed below are expected as part of the experiment and appropriate measures are taken to minimize pain or discomfort in the animals). 1. 體重減輕 Weight loss: 體重減輕達20-25%,或是動物出現惡病質或消耗性症候時。 *非生長期動物體重減輕可依據動物剛進動物房之體重或平均年齡體重為依據。 生長期之動物體重或許不會下降,但若無法正常增重,仍應判為體重減輕。 Weight loss of 20-25% (depending on attitude, weight recorded at time of arrival, and age: growing animals may not lose weight, but may not gain normally) or if not measured, characterized by cachexia and wasting syndrome. 喪失食慾 Inappetance: 小型齧齒類動物完全喪失食慾達24小時或食慾不佳(低於正常量之50%)達3天時。 大動物完全喪失食慾達5天或食慾不佳(低於正常量之50%)達7天時。 Complete anorexia for 24 hours in small rodents, up to 5 days in large animals; partial anorexia (less than 50% of caloric requirement) for 3 days in small rodents, 7 days in large animals. 3. 虛弱(無法進食或飲水)Weakness/inability to obtain feed or water: 動物在沒有麻醉或鎮靜的狀態下,長達24小時無法站立或極度勉強才可站立時。 Inability or extreme reluctance to stand, that persists for 24 hours, assuming that the animal has recovered from anesthesia. 4. 垂死/瀕死Moribund state: 動物在沒有麻醉或鎮靜的狀態下,表現精神抑鬱伴隨體溫過低(低於37℃)時。 Depression coupled with body temperature below 37℃, 5. 感染Infection: 無論是明顯可知或因體溫升高白血球數目增加而判斷為感染所致,且在抗生素治療無效並伴隨動物全身性不適症狀出現時。 Infection involving any organ system (either overt, or indicated by increase


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