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2018年可锐考研英语优秀阅读文章赏析(七)Physical attractiveness and careers  美貌与职场  Don t hate me because I m beautiful  漂亮有罪吗?  Attractive women should not include a photo with a job application  长得漂亮的女性不应该在投递简历时附上照片  AT WORK, as in life, attractive women get a lot of the breaks.  就跟在日常生活中一样,在工作中,漂亮的女性总会得到很多眷顾。  Studies have shown that they are more likely to be promoted than their plain-Janecolleagues.  有研究表明,比起长相平平的同事,这些美女晋升的机会更大。  Because people tend to project positive traits onto them, such as sensitivity and poise,they may also be at an advantage in job interviews.  由于人们倾向于把她们跟一些积极向上的性格特征对号入座,比如说反应敏捷和处变不惊。美女也可能在求职面试中占有优势。  The only downside to hotness is having to fend off ghastly male colleagues; or so manypeople think.  唯一不利的是,她们得避开那些心术不正的异性骚扰;很多人大概都会有这种想法。  But research by two Israelis suggests otherwise.  然而,两名以色列人的研究却显示了迥然不同的结果。  Bradley Ruffle at Ben-Gurion University and Ze ev Shtudiner at Ariel University Centre lookedat what happens when job hunters include photos with their curricula vitae, as is the norm inmuch of Europe and Asia.  在很多欧洲和亚洲国家,求职者都会在简历中附上照片。来自班古里昂大学的Bradley Ruffle和来自Ariel 大学中心的Ze ev Shtudiner对附上照片后的情况进行了调查。  The pair sent fictional applications to over 2,500 real-life vacancies.  两人针对现实中2500多个空缺职位投出了虚构的简历。  For each job, they sent two very similar résumés, one with a photo, one without. Subjectshad previously been graded for their attractiveness.  他们给每个职位都投了两份非常相似的简历,一份有照片,一份没有。他们提前根据相片的美貌程度划分了等级。  For men, the results were as expected.  在男性方面,调查结果在意料之中。  Hunks were more likely to be called for an interview if they included a photo.  帅气的男士如果在简历上附上照片,通常会得到面试通知。  Ugly men were better off not including one.  所以,长得抱歉的男性投简历时还是不要附上照片为好。  However, for women this was reversed.  然而,女性的情况则恰恰相反。  Attractive females were less likely to be offered an interview if they included a mugshot.  在简历中附有照片的美女通常不那么轻易得到面试通知。  When applying directly to a company an attractive womanwould need to send out 11 CVs on average before getting an interview; an equally qualifiedplain


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