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39 8 V o.l 39 N o. 8 2010 8 A pplied Chem ica l Industry A ug. 20 10 1 1 2 1 陈馥 , 熊俊杰 , 匡绪兵, 侯帆 1. , 6 10500; 2. , 1240 10 ) : , : ; ; ; : TE 39 : A : 1671- 3206 2010) 08- 1227 - 04 Latest study of the application of nanotechnology in oil filed 1 1 2 1 CH EN Fu , X ION G J unj ie , K UAN G X ubing , H O U Fan 1. Co lleg e o f Chem istry and Chem ica l Eng ineer ing, Southw est P etro leum U n ive rs ity, Chengdu 6 10500, Ch ina; 2. G reatw a ll D r illing and Exploration Eng ineer ing T echno logy R esea rch Cen ter CNPC, P an jin 124010, China) Abs tract: T he function m echan ism and f ie ld application of nano techno logy in drilling fluid, corrosion pre ven ting of o il p ipes, clear fracturing f lu id, cem enting, v iscosity reduct ion of v iscous crude o il w ere re view ed. In add ition, the ex isting problem s o f the applica tion of nano techno logy in o il filed w ere indica ted, and described the prospect o f nano techno logy in the o il field operations. K ey w ords: nanotechno logy; o il filed application; function m echan ism; field applicat ion , , , 1 ~ 100 nm 1 , , 1. 1 , , , ,


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