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学兔兔 水利水电技术 第41卷 2010年第i1期 地下输水管道阴极保护实验分析 魏永庆 ,张立新 (1.辽宁省大伙房水库输水工程建设局,辽宁 沈阳 I10179;2.中国科学院金属研究所,辽-7 沈阳 110016) 摘 要:辽宁省大伙房水库输水(二期)工程PCCP管线长154.4 km,根据对管线经过地区的土壤和地下 水环境调查得知,土壤电阻率大部分在20~50 Q·m之间,部分地段氯离子含量偏高(150 mg/L), 属于中等腐蚀环境,阴极保护设计也差别很大。为此,在全面开工以前进行阴极保护实验,为地下预 应力混凝土输水管道阴极保护工程设计提供科学依据。 关键词:PCCP管道;阴极保护;试验分析;输水工程;大伙房水库输水(二期)工程 中图分类号:TV672.2(231) 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1000—0860(2010)11—0034—04 Analysis on experiment of cathodic protection for underground water conveyance pipeline WEI Yongqing ,ZHANG Lixin (1.Liaoning Provincial Construction Bureau of Water Conveyance Project of Dahuofang Reservoir,Shenyang 110179,Liaoning,China; 2.The Institute of Metal Research,IMR,Shenyang 1 10016,Liaoning,Ching) Abstract:The length of the PCCP pipeline of the Water Conveyance Project of Dahuofang Reservoir(Phase II)is 154.4 km, and it is known from the investigation made on the soil and underground water environment of the region the pipeline passed through that the most part of the soil resistivity therein is between 20—50 Q ·m with a higher chlorine ion content in part of the region,which is a moderate corrosion environment,and then the difference of the cathodic protection design is larger as wel1. Therefore,an experiment on the cathodic protection is made before beginning of the whole construction project,SO as to provide a scientific basis for the design of cathodic protection for the PCCP pipeline. Key words:PCCP pipeline;cathodic protection;experimental analysis;water conveyance project;Water Conveyance Project of Dahuofang Reservoir(Phase II)


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