2012年最新的社会实践中英文实践报告 (6000字).doc

2012年最新的社会实践中英文实践报告 (6000字).doc

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2012年最新的社会实践中英文实践报告 (6000字)

2012年最新的社会实践中英文实践报告 (6000字) ABSTRACT This summer vacation this year, I had a previous a summer vacation to full. To improve school our social ability, arranged in-depth work, understand a line migrant workers work experience of life, social practice. The social practice, the upgrade my social skills, at the same time it has enriched my life, so it was a holiday for the school kind. In the social practice, I have realized in society of the hardships of survival and not easily, the more understand the parents?generation with their own hands to support this large family of the great and the selfless. Can say, social practice is we know the society, a big bridge social perception, is also an important piece of our growth experience. Short social practice, sped by, among which, let me to realize that many things, and these things will let me a lifetime. Social practice together with social distance, I also let oneself in the social practice exploit the vision, increased ability. Social and university same is also a learning and the education of place, in the vast universe and we more intense competition for the future lay a more solid foundation. Keywords:social, Communication ,attitude 摘要 今年这个暑假,我过的比以往任何一个暑假都要充实。学校为提高我们的社会能力,布置了深入打工一线,了解打工人士,体验打工生活的社会实践。这次社会实践,在提升我的社会技能的同时,还丰富了我的假期生活,所以很感谢学校的一番好意。 在这次社会实践中,我初步体会到了在社会中生存的艰辛与不易,更理解了父母一代凭借自己的双手养活这一大家子的伟大与无私。可以说,社会实践是我们了解社会,感知社会的一大桥梁,同样也是我们成长中的一段重要经历。 短暂的社会实践,一晃而过,在这其中,让我从中领悟到了很多的东西,而这些东西都将会让我终生受用。社会实践拉近了我与社会的距离,也让自己在社会实践中开拓了视野,增长了才干。社会和大学一样也是一个学习和受教育的地方,在那片广阔的天地里,我们为将来更加激烈的竞争打下了更为坚实的基础。 关键词:社会,交际,态度 目录 前言 ................................................................................................................................................ IV 正文 ................................................................................................................................................. V 1.1 我的实践过程 ................................................................................


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