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* 单词:always about afraid after again all also and afternoon arm art animal angry answer ask any at aunt autumn apple 短语:be afraid of in the afternoon after school in autumn 单词:baby basketball back bad bear bag beautiful ball bed banana before begin bird behind birthday beside black between big blackboard blue bike boat 短语:come back by bus play basketball go to school by bike happy birthday 单词:body bring book brother box brown boy bus bread busy breakfast but buy cap by car cake card call cat can chair candy chicken 短语:eat breakfast be busy eat a cake by car a birthday cake 单词:children clean China clever Chinese clock cinema close city clothes class cloudy coat cold colour come computer cook cool cousin cow crayon cry 短语:in China ,at the cinema clean the room close the door wash the clothes cook the meal 单词:dad difficult dance dinner day dirty desk doctor drink door driver down duck draw ear dress early 短语:have dinner get up wash the dishes do homework do some cleaning draw pictures in a dress drink some water 单词:easy English eat evening egg every elephant exercise email eye face fast family father fan favorite far farm feel farmer film find 短语:have lunch in the evening every day do exercises a happy family 单词:fine foot fish football floor flower friend fly from fruit game get grandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma) give grass great green 短语: on the farm see a film on the floor fly a kite on foot play with friends get up go home go to school go to bed go shopping go fishing on the grass the Great Wall 单词:hair he half head hand healthy happy hear have(has) heavy hello high help him her his here holiday hom


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