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本章主要讲述: 1、呼吸的过程及机理 2、呼吸的影响及调节 第一节 肺 通 气 Pulmonary ventilation 概念 肺与外界环境之间的气体交换过程。 肺通气的动力 直接动力:大气与肺泡气之间的压力差; 原动力:呼吸肌收缩引起的呼吸运动。 人工呼吸原理: 人为的方法造成肺内压和大气压之间存在压力差。 (2)胸膜腔的结构特点浆液作用 胸膜腔结构特点: a.密闭 b.内有少量浆液 浆液作用: ①.减小摩擦; ②.内聚力的作用。 Measurement of intrapleural pressures Direct method Formation of intrapleural pressure Fetus lung 形成原因: 主要是由肺的回缩力造成的。 胸膜腔内压=大气压-肺回缩力。 若大气压为0, 胸膜腔内压=-肺回缩力。 Formation of intrapleural pressure Air in lungs after delivery Physiological significance of intrapleural negative pressure Allow expansion of the lungs Facilitate the venous lymphatic return Air escapes from the lungs or leaks through the chest wall and enters the pleural cavity  小结: 肺与外界大气之间的压力差,是实现肺通气的直接动力,而呼吸肌的舒缩引起胸廓容积的变化是导致肺内压改变的根本原因,因此,呼吸肌的舒缩是肺通气的原动力。胸膜腔负压的存在,则能保证肺处于扩张状态并随胸廓的运动而张缩,是使原动力转化为直接动力的关键。 (二) 肺通气的阻力 肺弹性阻力的来源: 肺弹性组织的弹性回缩力 占1/3 肺泡内液-气界面的表面张力所产生的回缩力,占2/3 Compliance of the lungs Compliance: the extent to which the lungs expand for each unit increase in pressure C=ΔV/ΔP (L/cmH2O) Elasticity of lungs Definition Tendency to return to initial structure after being distended Elastic force (R) C=1/R Elastic forces of the lungs 1/3 Elastic forces of the lung tissue itself 2/3 Elastic forces caused by surface tension of the fluid that lines the inside walls of the alveoli 顺应性(compliance ,C)是指在外力作用下弹性组织的可扩张性. 弹性阻力与顺应性关系: 容易扩张 顺应性大 弹性阻力小 C=1/R。 顺应性:单位压力变化引起容积变化. C= △V/△P(cmH2o) Surface tension Definition Tension of a liquids surface. Due to the forces of attraction between molecules (五)肺表面活性物质 Alveolar surfactant Surfactant is a complex mixture Several phospholipids (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine) Proteins (apoproteins) Ions (calcium) Secreted by type II alveolar epithelial cells Type II alveolar epithelial cells Alveolar surfactant Physiological effect of surfactant Reduces surface tension eases expansion of lung (increases compliance) Keeps the dryness of the alveoli Maintains the stability of the alveoli in different


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