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37 1 Vol37, No1 2010 1 Jo rnal of North China Electric Power University Jan, 2010 , ( , 071003) : 在1 MPa 压力及富氧条件下煤在炉内燃烧产生以CO 为主要成分的高温高压烟气, 由于烟气中的CO 2 2 和 蒸汽均为距离液态较近的气体且二者占95% 以上的体积份额, 不能视为理想气体, 因此烟气的焓值不 能采用常压锅炉燃烧烟气计算焓值的方法将烟气看成是几种实际气体的理想混合物, 基于热力学的维里方 程和余函数, 推导出增压富氧燃烧条件下烟气焓值的计算方程, 基于实际工况进行了计算, 并与假设为理想 气体混合物的计算结果进行了比较, 可为增压富氧燃烧热力设备的设计提供可靠准确的基础数据 : 增压富氧燃烧; 烟气焓值; 实际气体混合物; 维里方程; 余函数 : TK4 135 : A : 1007- 2691 (2009) 01- 0001- 04 The st dy of fl e gas enthalpy calc lation of press rized oxy- coal comb stion YAN Weiping, DONG Jinglan ( Schools of Energy and Power Engineering, North China Electric Power University , Baoding 071003, China) Abstract: Under t he 1 MPa press re and oxygenenriched conditions, the coal combined and prod ced high tempera t re and press re fl e gas that the main component w as CO . Beca se CO andw ater- vapor are the gases that are not 2 2 far from their liq id points, and also they acco nt more than 95% of the vol me shares, so they can not be treated as ideal gases. In this paper, the fl e gas was ass med as ideal mixt re of several real gases, the eq ation of calc lating t he enthalpy of fl e gas was derived nder press rized oxygen- enriched comb stion based on the Virial eq ation and cof nction, then the enthalpy was calc lated and compared with the res lts that be treated as ideal gas, providing ac c rate basic data for the design of t hermal eq ipment nder press rized oxygen- enriched comb stion conditions. Key words : press rized oxygen- enriched comb stion; the enthalpy


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