2013牛津译林版选修7Unit 1“Living with technology”知识拓展课件.pptVIP

2013牛津译林版选修7Unit 1“Living with technology”知识拓展课件.ppt

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2013牛津译林版选修7Unit 1“Living with technology”知识拓展课件

* Unit 1 Living with technology 教材背景链接 名言佳句 Anything one man can imagine,other men can make real. —Jules Verce,French writer 但凡人能想像得到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。 ——法国作家·凡尔纳 It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. —America Albert Einstein 显而易见我们的人性已远远落后于我们的技术。 ——[美国]阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦 有线电视从出现至今已经经历了半个多世纪的发展。你知道它是怎样发展起来的吗? The development of cable TV There used to be only four television networks in the United States.Because of the 类文欣赏 frequencies given to television,the signals could only be received in a line of sight from the antenna (天线).In 1948,people living in remote valleys in Pennsylvania solved their reception problems.They put antennae on hills,so they could run cables to their houses.These days the same technology is also used.Viewers all over the country can watch a wide variety of programs and channels.By the early 1990s,cable television had reached nearly half of the homes in the United States. The earliest cable systems were,in fact,strategically placed antennae with very long cables.However,the signal from the antenna became weaker and weaker as it traveled through the cables.In the end,cable providers had to insert amplifiers (放 大器) so as to help strengthen the signal.Limitations in these amplifiers used to be a great issue for cable system designers. “In a cable system,the signal may have gone through 30 or 40 amplifiers before it reaches your house,one every 1,000 feet or so,” says Bill Wall,technical director for subscriber networks at Scientific-Atlanta,“With each amplifier,you will get noise.Plus, if one of the amplifiers failed,you lost the picture.Cable got a reputation for not having the best quality of picture and for not being reliable.” In the late 1970s,cable television found a solution to the amplifier problem.By then,they had also developed technology that allowed them to add more programming to the service of cable systems. Today,U.S.cable systems deliver hundreds of channels to millions of homes.It also prov


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