Quercetin as a Potential Modulator of P-Glycoprotein Expression and Function in Cells of Human Pancreatic Carcinoma Line Resistant to Daunorubicin 英文参考文献.docVIP

Quercetin as a Potential Modulator of P-Glycoprotein Expression and Function in Cells of Human Pancreatic Carcinoma Line Resistant to Daunorubicin 英文参考文献.doc

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Quercetin as a Potential Modulator of P-Glycoprotein Expression and Function in Cells of Human Pancreatic Carcinoma Line Resistant to Daunorubicin 英文参考文献

Molecules 2010, 15, 857-870; doi:10.3390/moleculeOPEN ACCESS molecules ISSN 1420-3049 /journal/molecules Article Quercetin as a Potential Modulator of P-Glycoprotein Expression and Function in Cells of Human Pancreatic Carcinoma Line Resistant to Daunorubicin Sylwia Borska 1,*, Miroslaw Sopel 1, Magdalena Chmielewska 1, Maciej Zabel 1,2 and Piotr Dziegiel 1,2,3 1 Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical University, T. Chalubinski Street 6a, 50-368 Wroclaw, Poland 2 Department of Histology and Embryology, University of Medical Sciences in Poznan, Swiecickiego Street 6, 60-781 Poznan, Poland 3 Lower Silesian Centre of Oncology, Hirszfeld Square 12, 53-413 Wroclaw, Poland * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: borska@hist.am.wroc.pl; Tel.: +48 0717841683; Fax: +48 0717840082. Received: 29 December 2009; in revised form: 28 January 2010 / Accepted: 3 February 2010 / Published: 9 February 2010 Abstract: P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is one of the ABC transporters responsible for the resistance of several tumours to successful chemotherapy. Numerous agents are capable of interfering with the P-gp-mediated export of drugs but unfortunately most of them produce serious side effects. Some plant polyphenols, including the flavonol quercetin (Q), manifest anti-neoplastic activity mainly due to their influence on cell cycle control and apoptosis. Reports are also available which show that Q may intensify action of cytostatic drugs and suppress the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenomenon. The study aimed at determination if Q sensitizes cells resistant to daunorubicin (DB) through its effect on P-gp expression and action. The experiments were conducted on two cell lines of human pancreatic carcinoma, resistant to DB EPP85-181RDB and sensitive EPP85-181P as a comparison. Cells of both lines were exposed to selected concentrations of Q and DB, and then membranous



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