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近年来,血氧水平依赖性功能磁共振脑功能成像(Blood oxygenation level-dependentfunctional magnetic resonance imaging, BOLD-fMRI)技术得到极快的发展,除了与扫描硬件、扫描技术的进步有关外,更得力于以图形图像等计算机科学为核心的相关学科的支持:图像数据的后处理技术成为fMRI中的关键环节。fMRI data collecting and preprocessingThe fMRI datawere collected during a sensorimotor task, a block-design motorresponse to auditory stimulation. During the on-block,200 ms tones presented a 500ms stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA). Atotalof16differenttoneswerepresentedineachon-block,withfrequency ranging from 236 Hz to 1318 Hz. The fMRI images were acquired onSiemens 3 T Trio Scanners and a 1.5 T Sonata with echo-planar imaging(EPI) sequences using the following parameters (TR = 2000 ms, TE =30 ms (3.0 T)/40 ms (1.5 T), field of view = 22 cm, slice thickness =4 mm, 1 mm skip, 27 slices, acquisition matrix = 64 × 64, flip angle =90°) .Four scanners were used and we have roughly equal numbers ofpatients and controls at all sites. Data were pre-processed in SPM5( and were realigned, spatially normalized and re-sliced to 3 × 3 × 3 mm 3 , smoothed with a 10 × 10 × 10 mm 3Gaussian kernel to reduce spatial noise, and analyzed by multiple regression considering the stimulus and their temporal derivatives plus an intercept term as repressors. Finally the stimulus-on versus stimulus-offcontrast images were extracted with 53 × 63 × 46 voxels and all of thevoxels with missing measurements were excluded.重复时间(TR)回波时间(TE)一、功能图像数据的性质功能磁共振数据包括解剖(结构)像和功能像两类。解剖像采用高分辨的T1(纵向弛豫时间)、T2(横向弛豫时间)及FSPGR(Fast Spoiled Gradient Recalled快速衰减梯度召回)三维成像方式。功能像的处理是fMRI数据处理的关键。因为脑皮层活动瞬息变化,相应要求足够快的成像序列对某一个刺激任务造成的皮层活动进行记录,并且要有对脑血氧代谢的产物——脱氧血红蛋白产生的T2*缩短效应敏感,EPI(Echo planar Imaging回波平面成像)、FLASH(Fast Low Angle Shot)等序列可以满足这两个条件,现在大都采用EPI序列采集fMRI功能像。EPI于频率编码上采用一系列反向梯度,通过一次激发产生建成一幅MR图像的所有信号,基于小角度激发的GRE-EPI(Gradient echo- Echo planar Imaging)技术,在很短的TR时间(重复时间)内得到一系列(数幅至数十幅)图像。每次采集得到的图像组成一个脑体积(Volume),相应要求在fMRI实验组块(Epoch/block Paradigm)设计时,每个组块的时间必须为TR时间的整数倍。实际的血流动力相应是一个缓慢的过程,任务激发后信号经过一个小的下降期开始上升,4-8秒达



haihang2017 + 关注


