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大话西游剧本 CAST 至尊宝··············陈骏明 紫 霞··············将梦圆 牛魔王··············金慧婷 香 香··············毛梦莹 铁 扇··············陶滢汀 小妖首··············王俏丹 唐 僧··············洪 冠 猪八戒··············赵隆祥 沙 僧··············连炯芳 狱 卒··············金佳军 观 音··············赵 萍 旁 白··············彭 漪 英语073班荣誉出品 大话西游英语剧本 第一幕 地点:婚礼现场 人物:牛魔王,至尊宝,紫霞,香香,铁扇公主,蛤蟆怪,众小妖 Aside: The story begins with a wedding. The Bull King is going to have a concubine. (香香用毛巾擦拭) 至尊宝:Don’t cry. It’s me who should cry. 众妖:congratulations! Bro. 牛魔王:It’s really a happy day! 众妖:why? 牛魔王: Today is my sister’s wedding. and I’m going to have a concubine today. 众妖: Concubine? Does your wife agree to it? 牛魔王: That bitchbitch[ bitF ]is not lovely anymore. She’s right now at the Flame Mountain. She can do nothing about it! 蛤蟆怪: haha, Bro Bull, how did you meet your new wife? 牛魔王: I passed the desert last night, I met a pretty girl there. She’s dying! 众妖: Zixia Immortal! 蛤蟆怪: Good, OK, this time. 牛魔王: You’ve got a nice name. (至尊宝从后台走入人群中) 牛魔王: Let me introduce my sister and my brother-in –law to you. Xiang xiang! My bro! Come here! This is my brother, this is my sister xiangxiang. 香香: Zixia! 紫霞: Can you stay here for your wedding? 至尊宝: I think so. 紫霞: What do your wife at home think? 牛魔王: Wife? You know her? (至做尴尬状) 香香:Have you a wife? 至尊宝: just divorced! 香香:I haven’t heard that before! 牛魔王: It’s normal that a man has a dozen of wives. Take it easy. bro, do you think so? 至尊宝: yes, yes…… 牛魔王: Zixia, listen to me. I think I’ve fallen for you once I know you. I want to show my sincerity. So I request you to marry me in front of my bros. This Pandora’s Box is my gift to you. I hope you would say yes. 众妖: I object! 牛魔王: what? 至尊宝: Let me do this! what? what? They are a good match! You can’t object it. 蛤蟆怪: Zixia has a means to test her lover. If you can pass it, I will shut up! 至尊宝: what’s this? really? 蛤蟆怪: this test is that she would marry the guy who can make her Magic Sword go out of the scabbard. (剑从至的怀中落下) 众妖: Magic Sw



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