牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 4“helping people around the world”(Period Ⅰ)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 4“helping people around the world”(Period Ⅰ)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 4“helping people around the world”(Period Ⅰ)课件

there have been difficult to farm as it is more often referred to. have been chosen feel very honoured YL · 英语 选修6 菜 单 课前自主导学 教学目标分析 教学方案设计 演示结束 ●When the UN was founded, it had 51 members. ●Today 192 countries become the members of the UN. The countries 2. to the UN The UN was set up after the 1. World War in October 1945. The time when the United Nations was set up The UN helps countries with other problems such as 10. of education, starvation, disasters etc.With the work of the UN the world has been brought closer together. Other problems the UN helps to deal with ●Keep international 4. :Help end the worlds most horrible 5. ; 6. the victims of wars and disasters; ●7. friendly relationships among nations. ●Work together in solving international political conflicts and in 8. respect for human rights. ●Be a centre for 9. the actions or work of different nations. Four 3. of the UN ●教学流程设计 【美文阅读】 Helping others is kind of happiness ——我把即将辞掉的一份工作介绍给了一位刚刚来到澳大利亚举目无亲的移民帮助别人的同时我也感到很幸福。I had been working for a company in Australia that had a large number of staff.But now, I had found a better position in another company and was very aware that the manager would be disappointed that I was leaving. I had recently become friends with a young man who had just moved to Australia from Africa due to the war in his homeland.He was unskilled and was finding life difficult being unemployed ( 失业的未被利用的) and married and having two young children.I handed in my notice (辞职信), I had to serve a weeks notice and during this time I asked the manager the reasons why my friend was turned down.They explained his English was not good enough to train him for the position.I suggested it should do good to the company to give my friend a trial while I was willing to train him.I believed that once given the time to learn the language, my friend could do the job.After a weeks training, he was employed and was happy with his posi



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