牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Reading2)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Reading2)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 2“Fit for life”(Reading2)课件

The ________ of new scientific discoveries to industrial processes often makes jobs easier to do. 2) He has developed a number of _______ software. 3) She put her knowledge of German to good ____. 4) I want to write a book on modern English ______. application application use usage use; usage; application * Reading 2 Unit 2 Fit for life Unit 2 课件描述: 本课件用于Reading第二课时,通过词汇填空,句子翻译,小组讨论以及小组报告的形式帮助学生掌握本课阅读材料中的语言重点难点。本课教学在教师讲解过程中穿插学生活动达到教学效果。 Unit 2 Reading 2 Aspirin is a medicine that was __________ in 1897. It has saved and brought relief to millions of people’s lives. It is made from a chemical called _____ and was first sold as a tablet in 1900. This was the first medicine to be sold as a standardized ______. It works by reducing fever and pain. It is now ___________ for reducing potential heart attacks, strokes and cancer. Many reports have been ________ about how aspirin can improve people’s health. published; recommended; ASA; tablet; invented invented ASA tablet recommended published contemporary; discovered; available penicillin is a chemical in mould that was first _________ in 1928, but it was not until World War II that penicillin was purified to be used as a medicine. It was needed as soon as it was _______ because there were many people injured in the war. It was fundamental to saving many thousands of lives and is one of the most important medicines of ____________ society. discovered available contemporary Phrases 1.集中于……上 L1 2.打开 L2 3.很有可能 L2 4.挽救……的生命 L3 5. 建议做…… L7 6.由……制成 L9 7.发生 L14 8.以粉末形式 L15 focus on open up There is a high probability that recommend doing / recommend sb. to do save one’s life be made from take place in powder form 9.被制成片剂被出售L16 10.标准片剂L18 11.最畅销的止痛药L19 12.减少心脏病的 发作L23 13.进行一项研究L26 14.延长人类 寿命L31 15.被认为是L36 be sold as a tablet standardized tablet best-selling painkiller reduce the risk of heart attack carry out a study increase the length of people’s lives be considered to be 16.在当代L37


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