牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 3“The world online”(Period Four)课件1.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 3“The world online”(Period Four)课件1.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修7Unit 3“The world online”(Period Four)课件1

Unit 3 The world online Auxiliary verbs ★We are having an English class. ★ I have seen the film. ★ He didn’t go home last night. ★ We will fly for Africa next month. ★ He was sent to England. ★I would fly to Sweden if I were a bird. ★Had I lived in London, I would have been to London Bridge. ★ We have/need to go home now. ★Students must study hard. ★Do you like college life? ★ Did you study English before you came here? ★ I do not like him. ★ Do call me tomorrow. ★He did know that. 补充:do用作代动词,例如: — Do you like Beijing? 你喜欢北京吗? — Yes, I do. 是的,喜欢。(do用作代动词,代替like Beijing.) 练习1:请在划线处填入适当的助动词。 ★1We _______ go to London first. ★2The modern Olympic Games _______held in 1896, in Athens. ★3 What ______ you do if you had a billion? ★4 Hope you won’t have to wait as long as we _________. Good luck. ★5As you can see, I ______escape. ★6 He has made great progress recently, and so _______you. ★I have to go to help her every Saturday. ★ You had better take an umbrella. 2.短语助动词由一个助动词和另一个或两个词组成.如:have (got) to, had better, would sooner/rather(…than), be to, be likely to, be supposed to, ought to, used to, be about to ,be able to, etc. ★ I have (got) to clean the blackboard before the teacher comes. ★ I have (got) to go now; my wife will be waiting for me. ★ You didnt have to tell her the whole story. ●have (got) to 表示“得做某事”,或提出建议,其否定形式not have to意为“不必”。 ★Many countries would rather be cautious with this new technology. ★I would sooner walk to work than take a bus. ●would rather/sooner(…than)的意思是“宁愿,更愿意”。 ★ He is to go to New York next week. ★The president is to speak on TV tonight. ★You are to explain this. We can’t stand this kind of behaviour. ●be to表示未来的打算和安排,或用于正式的指示和命令。 补充:be + 动词不定式的其他用法 a.征求意见。如: How am I to answer him? 我该怎样答复他? b. 表示相约、商定。如: We are to meet at the school gate at seven tomorrow morning. 我们明天早晨7点在校门口集合。 ★He is likely to win the first prize. ★That is not likely to happen. ●be likel


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