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The Brownings Robert Browning Elizabeth Barrett Conclusion Robert Browning Great Victorian poet Alfred Tennyson Early Life P341 Father: clerk the Bank of England a library of 6,000 volumes amateur of art and literature educated almost entirely at home Father: literature Mother: music Poet begin to write at 12 modeled on Shelley in poetic creation 1833 Pauline《波林》.被批评为“有强烈的病态的自我意识。” 1835Paracelsus《巴拉塞尔士》 1837 Strafford《斯特福拉德》 1840Sordello《索尔德罗》 he went too far in self-correction that the poem became so obscure as to be hardly readable. 1841 Pippa Passes 《皮帕走过》 1842 My Last Duchess《我的前公爵夫人》 Works The years at the spring And days at the morn; Mornings at seven; The hillsides dew-pearled; The larks on the wing; The snails on the thorn; Gods in his heaven --- Alls right with the world. 一年之计在于春, 一日之计在于晨. 一晨之计在七时, 山坡上装点着珍珠般的露水; 云雀在风中飞跃; 山垆上蜗牛在爬行; 上帝在他的天堂里---整个世界都是那么祥和、太平、美好! 本诗描写了一个名叫Pippa的女孩,身为孤儿的她过着惨遭剥削的凄惨生活,可是她明知道世界上充满了不公和邪恶,但是她还是相信Gods in his heaven ,Alls right with the world.... Pippa Passes My Last Duchess 墙上的这幅面是我的前公爵夫人, 看起来就像她活着一样。如今, 我称它为奇迹:潘道夫师的手笔 经一日忙碌,从此她就在此站立。 你愿坐下看看她吗?我有意提起 潘道夫,因为外来的生客(例如你) 凡是见了画中描绘的面容、 那真挚的眼神的深邃和热情, 没有一个不转向我(因为除我外 再没有别人把画上的帘幕拉开), 似乎想问我可是又不大敢问; 是从哪儿来的——这样的眼神? 你并非第一个人回头这样问我。 Thats my last Duchess painted on the wall, Looking as if she were alive. I call That piece a wonder, now: Frà Pandolfs hands Worked busily a day, and there she stands. Will t please you sit and look at her? I said Frà Pandolf by design, for never read Strangers like you that pictured countenance, The depth and passion of its earnest glance, But to myself they turned (since none puts by The curtain I have drawn for you, but I) And seemed as they would ask me, if they durst, How such a glance came there; so, not the first Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) Browning’s wife She is a socially engaged realist. The most respected and successful woman poet of the Victorian period Her early years Born March 6, 1806


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