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模 拟 练 习 三 ( ETS 真 题 ) 音 频 下 载 地 址 : /bbs/thread-2691-1-1.html 新 托 福 听 力 备 考 材 料 及 解 释 在 这 个 地 址 : /bbs/thread-10511-1-1.html 习惯与题海战术的我们,总是习惯性的在准备新托福考试的日子 里靠大量做题取胜,疏不知,如果我们做的不是 ETS 的真题的 话,大量做题是掌握不了出题规律的。 授课期间总会频频的被学生问及推荐什么题做。其实,做题是次 要的,提高自己的实力是主要的。做模拟题只是检查自己实力的 一个途径而已。只是一味的做题,不去提高听力实力,或寻找错 误原因的话,我们在做过模拟题后只能让我们知道自己有多差。 到底差在哪里?(1)听力实力(2 )使用实力 本材料取自ETS 官网practice online 题(ETS 唯一公开真题) 请大家本着寻找差在哪里的态度去使用模拟练习题,使用方法在 这里:/bbs/thread-4567-1-1.html 因为是ETS 真题,请大家结合OG 听力11 篇与此6 篇仔细研究题型及考点!!!!!!! Horse woshimajun@ 小马过河新托福备考社区 Listening 1 – Business 1. What is the talk mainly about? (A )A comparison of two approaches to decision-making (B)A formula for evaluating business plans (C )A process for improving decision-making (D)A method for gaining consensus within groups 2. In the lecture, the professor describes the steps in AHP. Indicate whether each of the following is a step in the process. Click in the correct box for each phrase. Yes No Establish the goal List alternative courses of action Select key criteria and subcriteria Make pairwise comparisons Revise the goal based on choices 小马过河新托福备考社区 3. Why does the professor mention the floor plan of a house? (A )To give an example of a factor that would influence a decision (B)To give a personal example of a time he found AHP to be useful (C )To show that AHP can be applied to the design of houses (D)To name some criteria that are not important in decision-making 4. According to the professor, what is one important result of using AHP? (A )People can make decisions more quickly. (B)People are provided with several different outcomes. (C )People can take advantage of


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