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6B Unit 1 一、教学要求 四会单词和词组:? tall, light, young, old, heavy。Who taller than David? Gao Shan is?taller than David. 三会单词和词组 twin, minute, centimeter, child, cute, also, chat. 三会日常交际用语: Whose bag is heavier, yours or mine? I’m as tall as you. SuYang is younger than Su Hai. 5.??了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。 6.??会说英语歌谣《 I wish I was taller.》本单元主要话题是二种事物的比较。通过对话引出语言项目:形容词比较级。A部分通过创设情景,三人之间聊天引出两种事物比较的话题。B部分主要学习常见形容词及其比较级。C、D部分是句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答语Who is taller than David?Whose bag is??heavier, yours or mine ? 要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型。E部分为Look ,read and judge。要求学生能根据所给的内容判断对错。F部分为游戏活动部分,要求学生在听听、看看、做做、玩玩中进行。G部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。H部分是一首歌谣,要求学生能够会唱、并能配以动作进行表演。 Unit 1(第一课时) 教学内容 B Look read and learn C Look and say 教学目标 1、能听说读写单词tall, young, old, heavy。 2、能听说读日常交际用语Whose school bag is heavier, yours or mine? 3、能听说读写句型 Who’s taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. 4、初步理解形容词的比较级。 1、能听说读写单词tall, young, old, heavy。 2、能听说读写句型 Who’s taller than David? Gao Shan is taller than David. 3、初步理解形容词的比较级。 1、搜集表示人、物外形特征的形容词。 2、准备有明显特征区别的玩具或人物照片。 3、预习(听录音跟读并试着理解课文意思) 长短尺、大小苹果、轻重书包Step 1 Free talk Revision 通过与学生的一些对话来复习学过的形容词。This is the first lesson of the new term. Would you please tell me about your holidays? —— busy / free What did you do on your holidays / at the Spring Festival? Did you do exercise those days ? —— strong / thin / fat / thin Did you visit your relatives and friends? How about them? —— old / young Oh, xxx, you look tall!—— tall / short Did you get many presents?—— big / small Step 2 Presentation and practice 1 Do you know some sports stars? Who’s your pat? I know a sports star. (课件出示易建联有关资料) Who Height 身高 Weight 体重 Birthday Hobby 211cm 110 kg 1987.10.27 listen to music Who is he, do you know? He is Yi Jianlian. Is he tall/ heavy/ strong/young? Yes, he is. What’s his hobby? 2 手势表示Who is taller than Yi Jianlian? Can you guess?(出示姚明的资料) Who Height 身高 Weight 体重 Birthday Hobby 226cm 140.6kg 1980.09.12 play computer games Yaoming is


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