
孤独星球 加勒比海波多黎各 Lonely Planet Puerto Rico旅游攻略.pdf

孤独星球 加勒比海波多黎各 Lonely Planet Puerto Rico旅游攻略.pdf

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孤独星球 加勒比海波多黎各 Lonely Planet Puerto Rico旅游攻略.pdf

TABLE OF CONTENTS Puerto Rico Cover How to Use This Guide Puerto Rico Map PLAN YOUR TRIP ON THE ROAD UNDERSTAND PUERTO RICO SURVIVAL GUIDE Behind the Scenes Our Writers GETTING THE MOST OUT OF LONELY PLANET MAPS E-reader devices vary in their ability to show our maps. To get the most out of the maps in this guide, use the zoom function on your device. Or, visit http :///ebookmaps and grab a PDF download or print out all the maps in this guide. Plan Your Trip Welcome to Puerto Rico Top Experiences Need to Know If You Like... Month by Month Itineraries Puerto Rico Outdoors Travel with Children Regions at a Glance welcome to Puerto Rico Top of section Welcome to Puerto Rico: endless sand, swashbuckling history lessons and wildly diverse trop ical terrain. The sun-washed backy ard of the USA is a p lace locals f ittingly call the ‘Island of enchantment ’ Tropical Playground Puerto Rico is the fodder of many a Caribbean daydream for good reason: this natural j ewel box can satisfy the lethargic beach bum, the sunrise rainforest explorer and the budding big-wave surfer – all in a long weekend. Its coral reefs host a riot of tropical fish, its limestone caves in the misty central mountains resound with the chirp of coquí frogs, and its unique collection of forests – some of the wettest and driest in the Caribbean – harbor some of the rarest birds in the world. It’s hardly undiscovered – you ’ll have plenty of company navigating the dripping trails of El Yunque, the perfect waves in Rincón and sunning yourself on some of the best beaches in the world – but with creativity and plucky DIY spirit, you ’ll find a little piece of this tropical heaven all for yourself. Cultural Vibrancy Those curious enough to look beyond the border


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