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Fast Reading Passage Four 1.T 2. NG 3. F 4.T 5. potential problems 6. hanging around 7. local currency 8. the wrong type of attention 9. large amounts of cash 10. reconfirm your next flight 第二种类型的作文 观点论证型 My View On Dictionary Para 1: The dictionary is a consultant in our life. When learning a language, we …… So in the case when we are hampered by some difficulty in human arts and science. Para 2 : With our constant use of dictionaries a variety of skills will be practiced better. 1).The more conveniently and quickly we get the information we want 2). Make progresses in application of languages, enlargement of vocabularies , cultivation of tastes and consolidation and renewal of knowledge. Para 3 : However, we should never forget that dictionaries do not mean everything. For instance,……We should make proper use of dictionaries. On Children’s Independence in China Para 1 : Today in China, many families have only one child. And many problems come along with the trend, one of which is that parents spoil their children so seriously and do everything to them that the only child of the family is in urgent need of the basic abilities to live independently. In my opinion, it is important to help children to be independent. Para 2 : To be independent is good for the children. ………… Para 3: There are some ways to help children to be independent. 1) education of the importance of independence 2) let children arrange their life and work by themselves. 3). Take part in open-air activities independently In a word, an independent life to the children is surely a valuable life.


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