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日落原则 Sun Down Rule 今日事,今日毕 “Get it done while there is sun” 1个星期天的早上,杰夫,一个阿肯色州沃尔玛商场药店的员工,接到从店里打来的电话。一名同事通知他说有一位药房的客人,糖尿病人,不小心将胰岛素掉进了垃圾袋。当得知糖尿病患者如果没有胰岛素就将面临很大危险,杰夫马上冲回了商场,打开药房,给客人开了胰岛素的处方。这只是我们无数本地沃尔玛商场引以为荣的日落原则的一个例子。 One Sunday morning, Jeff, a pharmacist at a Wal-Mart store in Harrison, Ark., received a call from his store. A store associate informed him that one of his pharmacy customers, a diabetic, had accidentally dropped her insulin down her garbage disposal. Knowing that a diabetic without insulin could be in grave danger, Jeff immediately rushed to the store, opened the pharmacy and filled the customers insulin prescription. This is just one of many ways your local Wal-Mart store might honor what is known by our associates as the Sundown Rule. 日落原则是我们的创立者山姆沃尔顿那句名言的改编“为什么要将今天可以做的事推到明天?”时至今日,它仍然是我们沃尔玛文化的重要组成部分,也是我们员工的顾客服务为何如此出名的原因之一。这条规则说明所有员工应该在他们收到顾客的当天日落之前作出答复。正是我们表明关心他们。The Sundown Rule was our founder, Sam Waltons twist on that old adage why put off until tomorrow what you can do today. It is still an important part of our Wal-Mart culture and is one reason our associates are so well-known for their customer service. The observation of the Sundown Rule means we strive to answer requests by sundown on the day we receive them. It supports Mr. Sams three basic beliefs: respect for the individual, customer service and striving for excellence. At Wal-Mart, our associates understand that our customers live in a busy world. The Sundown Rule is just one way we try to demonstrate to our customers that we care. It is a rule we take seriously at Wal-Mart. In this busy place where our jobs depend on one another, its our standard to get it done today, before the sun goes down. Whether its a request from a store across the country or a call from down the hall, every requests gets same day service. 以下是我们的工作准则: 我们的目标是在沃尔玛,无论是内部客人还是外部客人的要求,都要在日落前答 复。 提供优质的服务之所以重要是因为这是我们对顾客作出友好服务之承诺 情。 我们是一个互相依赖的群体因为我们的工作需要他人的帮助 These are our working principles: It is our goal at Wal-M



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