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什么是基因基因是遗传变异的主要物质。储存着生命的种族、血型、孕育、生长、凋亡过程的全部信息。环境和遗传的互相依赖,演绎着生命的繁衍、细胞分裂和蛋白质合成等重要生理过程。生物体的生、长、衰、病、老、死等一切生命现象都与基因有关。它也是决定生命健康的内在因素。The gene is the main material of genetic variation. Store the race of life, blood type, all of the information in the process of breeding, growth, apoptosis. Environmental and genetic depend on each other, deducing the reproduction of life, cell division and protein synthesis, and other important physiological processes. An organisms birth, long, decay, disease, aging and death, all life phenomena are related to gene. It was also decided the intrinsic factors of life and health.应用领域1.生产领域人们可以利用基因技术,生产转基因食品。例如,科学家可以把某种肉猪体内控制肉的生长的基因植入鸡体内,从而让鸡也获得快速增肥的能力。People can make use of gene technology, production of genetically modified food. For example, scientists could put some pigs in control the growth of meat chicken implanted with gene, so that the chicken also gain the ability to quickly add fertilizer2。军事领域生物武器已经使用了很长的时间.细菌,毒气都令人为之色变。Biological weapons have been used for a long time. Bacteria, of a gas are for.3.医疗方面随着人类对基因研究的不断深入,发现许多疾病是由于基因结构与功能发生改变所引起的。With the deepening of human studies of gene, found that many diseases are caused by gene structure and function change.4.基因工程药物基因工程药物,是重组DNA的表达产物。广义的说,凡是在药物生产过程中涉及用基因工程的,都可以成为基因工程药物。在这方面的研究具有十分诱人的前景。The genetic engineering drugs, is the expression of recombinant DNA. Broadly speaking, all involved in the process of drug production with genetic engineering, genetic engineering drugs can be. In this study has very attractive prospects.5.农作物培育科学家们在利用基因工程技术改良农作物方面已取得重大进展,一场新的绿色革命近在眼前。这场新的绿色革命的一个显著特点就是生物技术、农业、食品和医药行业将融合到一起。Scientists use genetic engineering technology has made significant progress on improvement of crop, a new green revolution in sight. The new green revolution is a striking feature of biotechnology, agriculture, food and pharmaceutical industries will merge together.人类基因组是由23对染色体(共46个)所构成,每一个染色体皆含有数百个基因。人类拥有24种不同的染色体,其中有22个属于体染色体,另外还有两个能够决定性别的性染色体,分别是X染色体与Y染色体。The human genome is


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