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; Warming-up;;Video Watching;Back;;Sunk Costs: Time, money, effects or whatever you’ve spend. ;1. What is Cognitive Bias?;1. What is Cognitive Bias?;;; ;;;;;;What is the traditional view about smart people according to Paragraph 1? (Para. 1) 2. What is the most typical characteristic of the fundamental attribution error? (Para.3) 3. What will you be affected if you are only interested in evidence that is in agreement with your own belief? (Para.5) 4. When does the overconfidence bias usually occur? (Para.7) 5. Why does the availability bias leads to strange and inaccurate conclusions? (Para.8) Why don’t people want to leave a bad investment situation and commit the sunk cost fallacy? (Para.11) 7. What is the purpose of this text? ;What is the traditional view about smart people according to Paragraph 1? 00;原句: Orthodox views prize intelligence and intellectual rigor highly in the modern realm of universities and tech industry jobs. (Para. 1, L1);;3. What will you be affected if you are only interested in evidence that is in agreement with your own belief? (Para. 5) ;原句: Outwitting confirmation bias therefore requires exploring both sides of an argument with equal diligence. (Para. 6, L5) ;4. When does the overconfidence bias usually occur? (Para. 7) ; Because it causes people to use evidence that is not so convincing and strong.;6. Why don’t people want to leave a bad investment situation and commit the sunk cost fallacy? (Para. 11);原句: Gamblers with a high threshold for risk put money into a slot machine hoping for a big return, but with each pull of the lever they lose some money playing the odds. (Para. 11, L2);译文: 当涉及重要决策时,最好是依靠严密的逻辑并仔细审 查证据;同时,要保持警惕,那些看上去良好的直觉 总是很容易导致判断失误。; The purpose of this text is try to help us learn about cognitive biases and be better at decision-making.;Why do smart people do dumb things? Psychologists have uncovered _________


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